Running stitch
Running stitch is also known as quilting stitch and Darning stitch. You use the same hand motion to make all three, although you can vary the spacing of the stitches. Quilting stitch is usually worked with spacings of the same length, and many quilters work very hard at creating evenly spaced stitches.

To work this stitch simply pass the needle over and under the fabric in a regular even manner.

Pattern darning creates very attractive designs by changing the length of the stitches and the spacing between them. This simple but versatile technique has a long and interesting history. Some pieces have been traced back to Mamluk Sultanate embroidery in C12th Egypt. Iceland, too, has a long tradition of creating patterns with this simple stitch. Japan has Kogin work, which is also a form of pattern darning, and is based on running stitch. Kogin is closely related to Sashiko, a form of quilting. Running stitch is truly international, with a long and interesting history. Running stitch will be around for a long time to come, as embroiders still practice all of these techniques avidly!

You can use Running stitch to create simple outlines. Along with many contemporary art quilters, you can use it to create lines and you can often see it in contemporary ‘primitive’ styles. Running stitch now is often the foundation for many more complex stitches.

No matter what style of embroidery they are all based on the same basic stitch and hand movement.
Have you seen my Stitchers Templates?

Create your own designs with Sharon’s easy-to-use stitchers templates. Combine shapes to create hundreds of patterns and designs to embroider. It is the ultimate mix-and-match fun for stitchers of all skill levels. I created them to be as versatile as possible. I include four multi-patterned templates in each set. You will find them easy to use, totally clear to help you position them on your work, and they are nice and compact to fit in your sewing box. Each set comes with an e-book filled with patterns and designs that you can create and use as a jumping-off spot for your own designs. They are available now in our shop here!
Happy stitching!
If you are new to hand embroidery the challenge is to learn the stitch and share what you have learned. If you are an experienced embroiderer, enjoy Beyond TAST and give your work a modern twist. And of course, share it online so beginners can see what can be done with a little imagination.
If you are looking for past TAST stitch challenges the archives are in the Take a Stitch Tuesday category
Where to Share
So the idea is to stitch a sample, photograph it, share it in the Take a Stitch Tuesday facebook group, or use the hashtags #TASTembroidery and #PintangleTAST on Instagram.
If you need more information the challenge guidelines are on the TAST FAQ page.
I like this beautiful and such a simple stitch. My sample is here. Thanks
Pingback: TAST 2012 #10: Running Stitch - Studio Paars: embroidery running stitch
I finished a cover for an altered book in Japanese boro, perfect for Beyond TAST.
Thanks so much for running TAST this year! I’m new to the challenge and plan on building the stitches into a holiday table runner that will *hopefully* be ready by next December.
Hi, Just joined the group. I am very very new at hand stitching, actually I never liked hand stitching so I am looking forward to learning how to do them after seeing all the beautiful designs. Thank you for allowing me to join this group. I am an avid sewer and machine embroider so this will be a little different for me. I will start working on my design book today. thanks again…..
Hi Sharon!
Is this where I post links to my TASTing? (The dictionary page for each stitch?) I have completed 2018’s first one:
Thanks so much!
Yes you have th e right spot!
Pingback: Some simple TAST stitches | CrazyQstitcher
Pingback: 1 Years stitches – Days 9 – 12 | CrazyQstitcher
Running stitch (with chain, couching and the next 2) are found here.
My project challenge is stitching onto paper.
Sandy in the UK
Here is my running stitch example – http://hokkaidokudasai.blogspot.jp/2015/09/take-stitch-tuesday-10-running-stitch.html
Hi Sharon,
My Running Stitch is posted at my place.
Have a great day!
Very unimaginative but here’s Week 10 http://stitchinfingers.ning.com/photo/wk10-running-stitch?context=user
My March stitches are on
My sampler with running stitch and couching is here:
Hi Sharon,
Here is my running stitch sample 🙂 http://stitchingtimelinda.blogspot.ca/2012/03/running-stitch-week-10-of-tast.html
I have had a lot of fun working this stitch. i could have kept going with it.
I have put my samples on SF on my page
also on my blog at
I loved this little running stitch experiment this week http://sarahansson.blogspot.com/2012/03/take-stitch-tuesday.html
These are some my trials for running stitch of TAST.
Shami Immanuel
I wasn't able to do something new this week, but I've posted pictures of three mosaic faces that I stitched in running stitch a couple of years ago.
TAST for week 10…Running Stitch….was hard for me. I had trouble keeping the stitches straight and even. Oh well. http://timeusebybernice.wordpress.com/
Hi Sharon & Everyone
my post for the week:
Running around and around 😉 http://silkandstitch.blogspot.com/2012/03/running-stitch-tast-2012.html
My stitching TAST week 10: http://debbiesfiberwork.blogspot.com/2012/03/tast-week-10.html
It was a big surprise for me to find my attempt on couching among the highlights of last week. Thank you, Sharon, this encourages me very much!
You can see my attempt on runnung stitch here:
I posted my running stitches on my Flickr account – http://www.flickr.com/photos/stitchinwoman/
and on my blog: http://anaslua2.blogspot.com
Hi Sharon,
I have posted my sample to my blog:
and also to the Flikr site:
I didn't use this stitch but I think it was an error…. http://6stem5.canalblog.com
All, so wonderful.
Here is my running stitch.
This week my TAST sampler is a tribute to my sewing teacher, since Running stitch was the first stitch we were taught.
I have also included my mother's needlecase featuring running stitch, worked in 1929 when she was 8 years old.
Two special ladies in my life, which is appropriate in International Women's Week.
I first thought ho-hum about the running stitch until I started looking around at different samples. Then I played.
I used to use a lot of running stitch in City and Guilds projects, a simple but very useful stitch. My new sample can be seen on my blog
Hi Sharon,
Had an idea to work kantha embroidery sampler, for this week's stitch. it starts here-
thank you,
I had fun working with this stitch. Please view my sampler:
Hi Sharon,
I am posting my running stitch which had been done twenty years ago.by me.
I cheated big style for this week and last put together and used an old City & Guilds sample from the 'line' module. http://sew-in-love.blogspot.com/2012/03/fantastic-cheat.html
There's something to look at anyway.=)
Here is my sample. this is old Russian pattern.
I didn’t expect to find so many experiments with running stitches in my embroidery. I wrote about it on my blog:
Hi Sharon,
I am enoying this wonderful challenge of yours.. I am learning so many new things. thank you very much for this
my earlier running stitch sampler is here-
http://christinaroland.blogspot.com/2012/03/tast-week-10.html For my entry of week 10. Simple stitch, stunning possibilities!
One more couching project and two running stitch pieces, one pattern darning and one random, are up on my blog.
Added running stitches to the background of my TAST 2012 piece. Each stitch added makes it more interesting. Thanks, Sharon, for spearheading such a great challenge. I wouldn't be doing this piece without your weekly prodding.
Here is one of my many embroideries of Kanta-a traditional Indian embroidery forms which basically uses the running stitch in various combinations.
Please do visit and leave your comments
An old piece – in fact, my only contribution to TAST 2007. Hopefully there will be more to come this week – it is on the blog http://www.maggies-textiles.com
Aha running stitch! I have many examples, but I like the kogin ones the best:
http://borduurblog.blogspot.com/2010/06/koginwerkje.html (from Inspirations)
http://borduurblog.blogspot.com/2009/09/eerste-koginrand-af.html (traditional motive)
http://borduurblog.blogspot.com/2009/03/mijn-nieuwste-koginwerkje.html (own design)
http://borduurblog.blogspot.com/2009/04/kogin-vlakvulling.html (the chart)
http://borduurblog.blogspot.com/2009/01/variatie.html (ATC, own desing)
and many more, see http://borduurblog.blogspot.com/search/label/kogin
I am submitting two of my works for this week's TAST .
though the stitch used here is the darning stitch which is much similar to running stitch, I suppose this would qualify for this week's TAST.
I am trying to use all the TAST stitches in a gingerbread house I am making. I am several behind, but I already used pattern darning in the roof. Link to the closeup of the pattern darning which is several weeks old:
Or check out some of what I have done since at the main blog: