100 details for 100 days Day 27

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100 details for 100 days Day 27

Day 27
Today’s crazy quilt detail has a simple foundation of straight stitch which is worked in a thread the same weight as DMC pearl 5. The stitch is worked in a V formation with a seed bead stitched at the base.

The arms of the V have detached chain stitches worked in DMC pearl 8 with a seed bead in the center. Another straight stitch was added and it was topped with a seed bead.

This stitch is alternated with Bullion buds which are two bullion stitches worked in DMC pearl 8 The buds are completed with small Fly Stitch at the base

This morning I found that Julia (aka Ribbonwiz) Camille’s Place has featured a lovely silk ribbon embroidered spray of roses and Allison Aller has used Cast on stitch to work a lovely Wisteria spray

Annie Whitsed of Annies Crazy World is looking at feather stitch while Pam Kellogg of Kitty & Me Designs has featured chart for a spider web motif.

Rissa of Rissas Pieces has some tips on using graphite pencils to mark a block.

For anyone just swinging by this series of posts are listed under 100 details for 100 days in this blog. Over on Flickr it is associated with the Crazyquilting Group and photos are tagged 100detailsin100days

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