How to work Woven bars

Woven bars are great fun to make. You mainly Woven Bars in traditional drawn thread work, where the horizontal threads are withdrawn from the foundation fabric. Woven bars are then worked on the vertical threads. Contemporary needleweaving makes use of this stitch too. You can work them in a freestyle …

TAST Week 44

Take a Stitch Tuesday Week 44. Here, I would like to introduce you to  Twisted Chain stitch or Rope stitch. These are two very similar stitches. Rope stitch is a twisted chain stitch worked closely together, so I am inclined to group them together. They are a perfect example of a …

TAST Week 43

Chinese Cross Stitch is an unusual form of what is commonly known as cross stitch. This stitch works up into a very useful filling or border, looks great as a decorative surface stitch on even weave fabrics, and is extremely simple to work. Take a Stitch Tuesday 2023 Week 43 Beyond …

TAST Week 42 and November Design Challenge

Pistil stitch is simply a French Knot with a long tail. You guessed it, the challenge stitch is Pistil stitch. You can use Pistil stitch for the centre of flowers or arrange it in a circle to make a flower motif. If you experiment with threads you can have fun as the thread …