100 Crazy Quilt details Day 86

100 Crazy Quilt details Day 86

100 Crazy Quilt details Day 86

The seam embellishment for 100 Crazy Quilt details Day 86,  looks a little different. I first stitched down a thin braid – it is about a quarter of an inch wide. On both sides of the braid I worked Half chevron stitch along both sides, in cotton perle #5 thread.

My next step was to lace the half chevron stitch with a metallic braid like yarn. I used the same lacing pattern that is used in Twisted lattice band.

On top of the Half Chevron stitches I worked some 20 wrap  Bullion stitches in cotton perle #8 and then stitched a bead in the middle.

I could have worked this embellishment along a seam, along the bottom edge of lace or down both sides of a ribbon.

If you are just swinging by, or a search engine has landed you here, this is day 86 in a series of articles that aim to give you embellishment ideas that you can use in your crazy quilting. If you want to print out this series 100 details for 100 days they are listed under that category.

Have you enjoyed 100 Crazy Quilt details Day 86 ? If so you may be interested in  a tutorial I have written on how to work decorative crazy quilt seams. The tutorial is a comprehensive tutorial that I converted to a pdf file (a link to the download is in the article) When I converted it I realised how comprehensive it was. At 19 pages of information it is a resource worth investigating!

holding my book in front of quiltHave you seen my book?

My book The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design: Simple Stitches, Stunning Results  shares practical methods about how to design and make a crazy quilt. I teach you how to balance colour, texture and pattern, in order direct the viewers eye around a crazy quilted project. I show you how to build decorative seam treatments in interesting and creative ways using a handful of stitches. My book is profusely illustrated as my aim is to be both practical and inspiring.


  1. I love the idea! All of it! What’s wrong with just plain ‘Stitch a Week’? or, bearing in mind that there is to be some ‘audience participation’ how about ‘Blogon with Boggon’?

    I’m enjoying looking at the 100 details, but not taking part as I’m not really a CQer and I was working when it started, but it has crossed my mind that a selection of the details would make a neat band sampler……

    Congratulations on your well deserved accolade!

  2. Dear Sharon,
    I’d just like to say a big Thank You for all your work on the 100 Details. Your series got me back into CQ after about a ten year break and because of you I am back in a happy creative place in my life. I, too like to deliver things I’ve promised and have found that if you promise a little then you can always add more if you have time and everyone is ever so appreciative. If you promise lots and can’t deliver, there is sometimes disappointment. I’d like to see whatever you can comfortably offer; we all want to make sure it’s still fun for you and not becoming a “job”. I will be busy with Christmas crafting too, and maybe while you have a break from the 100 Details, we can all share our holiday stitchings with each other….

  3. Frankly, I think “Twisted Tuesdays” is pretty catchy!

    I like the idea of a stitch a week – I’d definitely follow along – it sounds like a super plan and a great way to hone one’s skills. The “stitch notebook” seems like a good idea to me, too. They’d make great “portfolios” for teaching.

    I agree the structure should be somewhat loose – people coming and going as they can. That’s the appeal of the whole internet connection, methinks. When life is pressing, you can always catch up on the online stuff later.

    I wish I hadn’t come in late on the 100 details – I never had the opportunity to catch up. But I’ll start this one from the beginning! Can’t wait!

  4. I have so enjoyed the 100 details, I was wondering what we’d do next. The idea of a stitch a week is great, I think it would be great to see how each stitcher developes the basic stitch, building and building,over the week, then sharing with each other.

    I also like the idea of a book, my thought there was a sampler, each page being perhaps one stitch and develped and experimented with on that page, at least that is how I’d want mine.

    I came into the 100 details late and have never felt I am behind, I love the encouragement it gives me to try new things. Thank you Sharon and all.

  5. I am interested in doing a weekly program, either focusing on a stitch or a process or a technique or even a pattern. Although I like the idea of 52 Ways…if it is weekly and not numbered, more people would feel better about joining in any time…and if they miss a week, it is not a big deal. Maybe we all need to get together in a chat room somewhere and brain storm. LOL

  6. Hi Sharon,

    First, congratulations!! On to the question at hand: I love the idea of a Stitch of the Week, and making a book is a great way to have both a reference and a record of your accomplishments. Despite my best intentions, I’m sure I’d get behind, so I like the idea of being able to ‘participate as desired.’ I think it’s intimidating for stitchers, especially beginners to have a rigid schedule. If your intention is to encourage interpretation and also all levels of stitchers, at which I think you do a marvelous job, then I think a relaxed environment is best. It would be a shame for a new stitcher to end up saying “I’m so behind I’m going to drop out.”

    You’ve set the bar very high with your 100 days, and it’s a hard act to follow.

  7. 1st Congrats on the Blog award! I also like the weekly idea and perhaps you could just show a few ways to use the stitch of the week but, in words, suggest others to give us stitchers something to investigate & play with.

    I love the idea of making myself a book and have been going to do it for sometime. However, I haven’t been able to come up with a way to do it that pleases me. Perhaps a discussion is in order of different ways others have already done such a “stitch book?”

    I’m woefully behind on your daily details but I HAVE printed them off and made myself an inspiration booklet. Such a thing is great for when you get stitch-blocked!

  8. Stitching one stitch weekly on a regular day sounds great! What day works best for YOU! Tues, Wed and Thurs, are away from the weekends….. I also think a book format would be fun. I am just thrilled that something will continue on. Another idea would be playing with different types of threads, ribbons, fibers etc.
    Congratulations on your win. No surprise to all of us regulars.

    Doni Palmgren
  9. I think Mary Anne has said it very nicely. Thank you so much for all the work you have done on the 100 details. It certainly has inspired me to finish my project. I like the idea of once a week and the stitching book would be great. June

    June R (grandma ziki)
  10. I, too, like the idea of a weekly stitch. That would give everyone plenty of time to work each one as the series progresses. Starting in January works also because it is after the online classes and the holidays. It would be a great way to start the new year!

  11. I agree with Mary Anne’s suggestions and especially like the idea of the cloth book – this is just what I wanted to do myself but never get round to it! I think that it should be run quite loosely with people able to join in at a later date and also people giving input when they are able (I know that my full time work often takes over and I don’t have the time to spare for stitching) I don’t think that you should run a new 100 details – that sounds like an awful amount of extra work for you and unless I am mistaken, you do this all for free!

  12. I think simply posting the stitch with a link to your sttich dictionary and maybe some other places where diagrams can be found would be good, and if you have used the particular sttich or know where it has been used in a novel way , then even better…and every week or two, whatever suits you is fine…

  13. Oops. I’m forgetting something else I wanted to say…Congratulations on your win. Nobody deserves it more than you do!
    And a second oops…realized upon re-reading my original comment that it sounded like I was happy that some people weren’t keeping up. That sounded rude! I didn’t mean it that way..only meant that I was glad that I wasn’t the only one. Does that sound any better??

  14. Hi Sharon
    I love the weekly idea for two reasons…I’m sure it would be easier for you and it would give more time to us slower stitchers. Have to admit I’m waaay behind on the 100 Details, but I will do them all.
    To give you my thoughts on some of your questions:
    First part of January sounds good, because I, for one, am into Christmas making already.
    – I don’t think you need to do another series of 100…perhaps you could just refer everyone to the original series?
    – could it be run somewhat loosely so that people could join whenever they could (or play catchup as I seem to be doing?). I know I’ve been happy to see that not everyone was keeping right up to you with the 100 Details.
    – would anyone be interested in creating some sort of cloth ‘book’ that would contain the stitches so that it could be used as a reference for future work? Maybe a challenge could be the creation of such a book with an interesting cover?
    Just some thoughts! Again Sharon, I love what you’ve done for us.

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