Another colour toy

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Another colour toy

I am late this morning simply because I got side tracked playing with another colour toy on Colr.org which describes itself as a site for playing with colours and words. To use it you select a colour then in the tag box describe it the two are connected to produce colour schemes.

The other thing you can do is choose an image from somewhere like flickr, copy the address into the “image url” box then click “random from image” and you will get a simple colour palette. When you produce one you like, tag it by using any combination of words or phrases to describe it. You can browse other schemes and if you use an aggregator such as bloglines you can subscribe to the RSS feeds.

What tools like this do, is to limit the colour choice. Which is exactly what is required for designing textile projects. Another thing is that they simple act as inspiration for colour schemes to use in a quilt block or needlework project. The limited palette gives you a jumping off spot.

For stitchers if you fall in love with a colour scheme you can translate the colours from Hexadecimal numbers to RGB numbers using this converter or this conversion utility . Once you have the RGB numbers of each colour you can look them up on this DMC Colours & RGB value chart. Bingo you have a colour scheme for a design!

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