The start of an 8 inch crazy quilt block

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The start of an 8 inch crazy quilt block

As I have mentioned before I am in the process of running an online class at joggles.com . We are in the third week of a six week course. I was asked to blog thoroughly my next block and I said I would. So here is the start.

The first is an image of the block and a number of threads I have hauled out. I always pull out too many but it gives me a range of colours and textures.

The next thing I do is get some basic stitches on the seams as it blocks in the lines. This is just the first layer of seam embellishment and the blue corner is actually more purple but that aside there is more layering and combining of stitches to come. I selected to work two versions of buttonhole stitch, as one is half buttonhole wheels , a double row of herringbone , a variation of fly stitch as it is tied with two detached chain stiches and chain stitch worked in complimentary of gold. I will be using more gold on this block. Detached chain also ties down the rick rack I have used.

As I said this is just the start of a series of stitch combinations. I basically jump in and get a few basic stitches on the block otherwise I dither around thinking about it too much. So I start working the block but always thinking about the composition. At this stage I am sketching in the foundation of the seam embellishments. I thought I would work this block as it is a bit lop sided as you can see and has parallel lines too. In the class I keep saying that its not a problem. I hope to demonstrate this.

Through the week I will blog the developments. I hope you find watching the process and development of this 8 inch block interesting.


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