100 details for 100 days Day 79

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100 details for 100 days Day 79

Day 79

The seam embellishment for today is similar to yesterday’s as it is an embellishment for lace that covers a seam. After stitching the lace down I then picked out the design in the lace using back stitch. The thread used is DMC pearl 5. The same thread was used to work some detached chain stitches along the centre of the lace.

The clusters of three detached chain stitches along the base of the lace are worked in a hand dyed silk thread the same weight as DMC pearl 5. These have a seed bead attached to the top of the cluster

Above the lace is a seam that has been embellished with feather stitch. At the end of the arms I have attached 3 seed beads.

To the right of this a row of up and down buttonhole worked in DMC pearl 5 and a bugle bead has been stitched between the buttonhole legs.

This morning my daily round up has revealed that Allison Aller who has been regularly reinterpreting seam embellishments, has published an image of how she is going to set all the blocks for the quilt she is working on.

Annie Whitsed of Annies Crazy World has focused on a detail using sea shells. Also yesterday she published images of the cute tatted butterflies she makes. Julia of Camille’s Place has also focused on using tatting in crazy quilting.

Murial has worked some more seam embellishments on her blocks.

Lin of Purple Fan has also worked a few more seam embellishments and has observed that creativity feeds on itself. The more you do the more you think of doing.

Debbie of Needle Lil More Time to Sew has also featured some more details on some of her projects.

Pam Kellogg of Kitty & Me Designs is back from her trip and has published a free chart for a bellflower border. These cross stitch charts can be used on crazy quilted projects by using waste canvas.

The second freebie of the day comes from Rissa of Rissas Pieces has published another design for an alphabet suitable for use in hand embroidery. Todays download has a definite Art Deco feel.

For anyone who has been following this series you may be interested in my online classes. I am offering 2 classes which people may be interested in. Develop a Personal Library of Stitches with Sharon Boggon and Encrusted Crazy Quilting Both have a heavy emphasis on design.

If you are just swinging by or if a search engine has landed you on this page, this series of posts are listed under 100 details for 100 days in this blog. Over on Flickr it is associated with the Crazyquilting Group and photos are tagged 100detailsin100days


  1. Hi Sharon

    I am still loving these details, and download them into a file for future reference. Don’t worry they have your name all over them. But occasionally I spot a typo, so I correct it, and sometimes the spellcheck finds something, so I have a look to see what it thinks is wrong. Today it was ‘After stitching the lace down I then picked out the design in the lace using back stitch.’ The ‘I’ was underlined in green, so, intrigued, I clicked on it, to be told by the computer that it should be ‘me’. So the sentence becomes ‘After stitching the lace down me then picked out the design in the lace using back stitch.’ Huh????????????

    Keep up the great work, it’s fabulous.


    Chris Free

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