Wednesday Wisp Reduction Report

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Wednesday Wisp Reduction Report

Sorry I am late with this but our internet connection has been down all morning. Once again it’s time for another of my weekly reports on the state of my WISPs (Works in Slow Progress). These posts are part of Sandie’s UFO and WISP challenge that she announced last year. I have completed another diamond block from start to finish with both embroidery and beading done.

It is a block for the diamond block quilt inspired by a quilt made by Martha Bingley in 1883. I am working on. I have all the blocks pieced and am working through the light tones at the moment. This week I tried croping the seam allowances off so that people could see what they will look like but I am not sure if it is an improvement. I am finding it very hard to keep these blocks within a tonal range so that when they are set they will read as tumbling blocks. Each on their own does not look like much but when you set them together they look better as they read well then.

Here is a detail which I thought you might enjoy and the seam along the base is two rows ofbonnet stitch worked back to back with a bead in the middle.


  1. It’s a lovely piece, and I like the way the whole thing goes together. I’m not sure that I agree with you that, “Each on their own does not look like much….” This each is certainly beautiful and worth seeing all by itself.


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