Work in Progress

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Work in Progress

I realised yesterday that I am falling back into my old habits and forgetting to post about what I have been stitching as it’s been 3 weeks since my last work in progress report. It is over a month since I last wrote about the progress of my crazy quilt diamond blocks. Since I promised on my declaration of UFOs and WISPs at the start of this year I would try and post images of projects as I work them here we are 3 more blocks with hand embroidery and beading done!

Regular readers will remember that these diamond shaped blocks are part of a crazy quilt which will be set in a tumbling block pattern. As usual click on the images for a larger photo.





  1. I really love the black diamond with the concentration of flowers. Can’t tell what the fabric is, but it reminds me of a black velour fabric I found at a thrift shop. It has lavender flower sprays and I never knew quite what to do with it — til now. I wondered about those tiny flowers too. Even with beads — think I’d better drag out those ‘readers’ the eye doctor says I need. hehe

  2. I am making serious progress on 2 major pieces with the thought of entering at least one of them in a summer deadlined contest. Nothing like a serious deadline to motivate me!

    I haven’t been by your blog lately. Sorry to have stayed away so long! Am really enjoying the monthly challenge pieces showing up around the various blogs.

  3. Sherry D – you might like to check Sharon’s post on 25 July 2007 (I think the date was, definitely about then) – when she posted links to 3 files of transfer designs by JF Ingalls. I’m having difficulty getting the link to copy – sorry!

  4. Such beautiful work! You continue to inspire me. I’ve nominated you for the Pico award. Please see entry on my blog: http://ambrosiaartsva.blogspot.com/
    Can’t seem to get the info to post here.

    Also, question for you. A little while ago you posted a link to some wonderful vintage embroidery patterns. While I was attempting to download some of these, my computer crashed and I lost the link. Something about “Ingalls”? If that rings a bell with you, would you mind posting the link again or e-mailing? Thanks. Hugs!

  5. Sharon: Thanks so much for posting the pictures. I had been wondering how this quilt was coming along. It’s such a fascinating idea. They are beautiful. I love the little blue, bluebell-looking flowers on the first one. Delightful.

    I, too am looking forward to the studio journal class. Sounds wonderful.

    I have been trying to get to UFOs and WISPs but there’s this challenge I’m a part of (LOL) that’s taking up a chunk of my time. And then I keep finding these fabulous classes online.

    Seriously, I’ve been working through some of my yarn stash and have been posting on my blog. I do still have some combination quilt and embroidery WISPs that really need completing, so your reminder is giving me an additional spur. I’ve been thinking about one in particular this week and I’ll pull it out. Maybe if I post it on my blog, it’ll force me to get started again. There’s not that much left, just beading and quilting.

    Oodles of thanks for all the things you do and for keeping us inspired, challenged, and accountable with our fiber arts.

  6. Your crazy patchwork is very inspiring. I have decided to de-clutter my fabric cupboard and because I have 4 children I have boxes of fleecy remnants from lots of past projects. I have decided to make a journal quilt/rug by using these bits and trying out all the multitude of techniques that are abounding. Let us know when your course is on Joggles, sounds great.

  7. What I’ve learned so far in the TIF challenge is that I am *not* good at fitting my ideas into other people’s color schemes! The themed prompts are extremely interesting and got me sketching and thinking but didn’t translate into anything I wanted to create in fiber.
    Thanks and I totally understand about your not playing along. I am off on my own track this year, too.

  8. Hi Sharon. so know what you mean about making time, especially now I have a job. Unfortunately one of the side effects of that job this week, has been an increase in my carpal tunnel symdrome but I have read that actually doing work and not wearing wrist sprints all day, is the best course of action. So once I have caught up with all the household jobs, I will be back to the tif and bjp projects.

  9. I so enjoy seeing your work, Sharon. Thanks for posting these blocks. I guess I was spoiled by TAST and your courses, where I got to see your work regularly. Of course, I can always go back to your earlier posts to see your work, but it’s great to see what you’re doing now. Thanks, again.

  10. Hi Sharon, I love seeing photos of your stitching! Always inspiring!

    I can’t say I had any stitching goals for this year. I always stitch. But in joining the TIF Challenge, I do have a goal in sewing my blocks together at the end of the year into a beautiful wallquilt.

    Another project I started, again inspired by you as well as my excessive collection of buttons, is a button quilt. I’m doing 6 inch blocks and each one features clusters of various buttons. Everything from antique Victorian buttons, handpainted or made of glass, to plain old boring plastic buttons and whatever I have that falls in between.

    The nice thing about this project is that although I am not on a mission to reduce my stash, I am getting to use more of my fabrics, lace and beads along with my button collection.

    I’ll admit, I had some special buttons set aside for “looking at only” but I suddenly realized that I never looked at them! What good are they doing sitting in a drawer? Using them on a quilt gives me and everyone else who sees the quilt or follows my progress, the opportunity to actually see them.

    Daily updates on my stitching can be found on my blog.



  11. Hi Sharon, these latest diamonds are lovely, as always.

    Now, quit with the feeling guilty. You must know how much we appreciate the time and effort you put into running this challenge even though it was not one that appealled to you. No-one would want you to take part unless you really wanted to. It’s a hugh thing that you do for us and we are really grateful that you do.

    (Sorry to speak for others – I usually try not to do that, but I am certain that no-one will mind on this occasion)


  12. great blocks! and better that you posted them πŸ™‚ Please, why don’t you call
    up the “review” at half year? It’s evident that i need more time:)
    Agree with Allison in that TIF is forcing me to get more conceptual.

    neki desu

  13. Sharon, I’eager to start your journal course, so don’t feel guilty to work on it rather than on TIF πŸ™‚
    Regarding TIF, I want to stick with it, but time goes so quickly by… I hope I can think of April TIF starting tonight. I’m thrilled with it, time is just a bit spare…
    Thanks for keeping our spirits high with your blog.

  14. I’m not a crazy quilter or embroiderer, but I did get one of my doll WIPs finished the other day. It had been sitting neglected in a box since last year’s workshop. It’s amazing how much better I feel having completed something. πŸ™‚

  15. Hi Sharon… I just knew you had to have been stitching on something. The diamonds are beautifully done…
    Your unwavering work and enthusiasm shows through here on your blog, you’re like 3 women rolled into one with all you do! Thanks for taking the time to provide the links to all the wonderful sites and blogs that you peruse. Am anxious to hear more about your CQ book!

  16. Hi, Sharon,

    Beautiful work as always!

    A couple of questions on the block with the yellow flowers… the light pink flowers- are those beads? If not, how did you make them? And the forget me nots- are those French knots or what? Even in the larger size I cannot make them out well enough to figure it out!



    Laurie Brown
  17. I love this idea and would like a notice when you start the visual journal adventure.

    I have been busy rummaging through all of my fabrics and collections of “valuable” items that I have accumulated over the past 35 or so years. I have a lovely collection and as I read your posts I venture into creating more with them during the very little time that I have as I am raising teens.

    I am inspired to share what I have done and also go forward with new items however I haven’t posted things yet. We shall see if time allows, perhaps in the Summer once school is out!

    In the mean time, thank you, for your blog continually renews that part of me that has been “laid to rest” during this period called single parenting. The exciting thing is the constant reminder I give myself…

    One stitch at a time : ) It’s all we need (to do)

  18. Sharon – So thrilled about the prospect of that visual journal course – I am sitting on the edge of my seat – can’t wait for the announcement. I was reading through my Sumptuous Surfaces class notes last night in preparation for my April TIF – what a resource that book is!

  19. Brilliant and interesting work, Sharon, as always!
    I can NOT wait to sign up for the Joggles class you are currently writing.
    As to your “guilt”…why not just pick one month out of the 12 in 2008 to create a challenge piece? Reveal it at the end of the year…I know you will feel better, (guilt must be assuaged) enjoy it a lot, and we’ll all love seeing what you do, too.
    The TIF challenge is somehow forcing me to get more personal and conceptual in my own work…this is a great thing! The journal class will push that even further…. xo

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