CQMag Online is Out

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CQMag Online is Out

I am behind the news again this morning because CQMag Online has been out a week or so. So make a cuppa and settle back to browse and read. What is in the latest issue? I am picking the eyes out here but to give a brief and quick overview of what this issue contains first there is a continuation of Barbara Blankenship’s Ideas and Inspiration Challenge. Don’t miss it as Barbara assembled interesting seam treatments and motifs for inspiration in your crazy quilting. An article My Favorite Crazy Quilt Embellishments by Dean Deerfield ties in with this.

Allison Aller writes about a method for finishing blocks in Mounting Crazy Quilt Blocks Onto Foam Core.

Leslie Ehrlich has started a new Yahoo group to promote Crazy Quilting with CQ Promoters.

Stephanie Novatski gives us the fourth installment Creating a Memory Quilt from Ties. Stephanie Novatski has also written a step-by-step tutorial for the tissue paper transfer method in Transferring a Design onto a Dark Fabric Using Tissue Paper and in Using a Die Cut Machine for Appliqué Shapes Stephanie uses a die cut machine for quilting.

Barbara Blankenship introduces a technique for edge-dyeing ribbon and Julie Yonge shares an idea for spooling ribbon in Wind ‘Em Up

Gail Odegaard has translated an idea from the world of paper crafts into Crazy Quilting with Quilted Tags.

Marie Alton has produced a pattern for making CQ pincushions.

These are just a few articles in this issue. There is heaps more. As I said make a cuppa and pop over and see for yourself what is on offer in the latest issue of CQMag Online.

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