For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 4

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For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 4


This is variety of Laced triple running stitch.

There are many ways to lace and thread running stitch some of which are listed in my stitch dictionary


A hand dyed cotton (crochet thread) was used for the foundation running stitches

These were laced first with a synthetic knitting ribbon which was hand dyed and then with a thicker hand dyed cotton (crochet thread)


This section of the sampler is a dress linen which is not quite an even weave, hand painted with procion cold water dyes.


Procion cold water dyes for the cotton threads

Disperse dyes (also known as transfer dyes) on the knitting ribbon.


All samples are 15 cm (6 inches) wide and stitched together in one long band sampler.


Sampler FAQ and back story
For the full back story on this piece visit the Sampler FAQ.


All posts in the series are in the category  the Love of Stitching Band Sampler.


  1. I really love the braided effect these stitches have. I also wondered if you had thought about creating a time line along with your info? I mean, you mentioned you’ve been working on the band sampler since the 90s. I would be interested in the date of the stitches if you cared to include it.
    I was also intrigued by your mentioning the historical comments you put on some of the samples, as in current events noted alongside your stitching. Do you plan to talk about these as you get to them?
    Enjoying the journey!

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