Introducing block 17 on the “I dropped the button box” quilt

Today I am introducing block 17,  of the “I dropped the button box” quilt. As you can see  this block consists of 7 pieces. Fabric content: Piece 1: Chinese brocade Silk. Piece 2: Silk from one of my skirts. Piece 3: Velvet Piece 4: Silk Piece 5: Synthetic mix from …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 152 Section 10

Band 152 is also section 10. It is a little sampler that is a section in its own right. This area was an experiment with plastic shirt buttons as I was interested in creating patterns with them. These are mens shirt buttons arranged to shade. People always respond to this …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 151

Readers might be happy to know that this is the last band in section 9 which is made up of herringbone experiments and tomorrow we have a another section. This band of stitching is another mixed stitch as it is created by working two rows of the hybrid of chevron stitch and  herringbone stitch. …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 150

This is another experiment generated out or playing with  herringbone stitch as I created it by working the top section of herringbone around in a square and repeating the stitch over the top but moving inwards. I thought of doing it when looking at band 140. If you take a look …