Lace Study Center at the Powerhouse

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Lace Study Center at the Powerhouse

I am afraid there has been no stitching done in this house for a week or so. What caused this very rare thing?

I was in Sydney for a week. One way I spent my time was to take a trip to the Powerhouse museum and visit the lace study center. They have a wonderful collection manned – or I should say womanned by enthusiastic volunteers. Since they  all make lace and have studied lace for many years it is well worth stopping by their rooms when in Sydney.

This video  is an interview with  Robyn Wienholt who talks about historic lace pieces on view.

lace collection at the Power house Museum

These are a few photos I took while in the room.

lace collection

The collection is housed in these draws and you are allowed to open and peer as much as you like. People are on hand to answer questions and point you towards other interesting pieces of lace, discuss how lace is made and its social role.

You are also allowed to use a no flash camera. Hence the photos.

I had a really pleasant morning there but if you cant visit the collection in person visit the study center online as there are some great resources free to download. Included is a document that explains the Lace Classification System and another that is Glossary of general lace and lacemaking terms

lace collection


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