Crazy Quilt Block 100 Pattern and embellishment Details

Crazy Quilt Block 100 Pattern and embellishment Details

I dropped the Button Box Quilt Crazy quilt block 100 is of course the last in this series and  I thought I would share with you a reminder of what the quilt looks like (click on the photos if you want to see a larger size)  as feels quite momentous to be writing this post!

Crazy Quilt Block 100Block 100 is of course the dark block in the bottom right hand corner of the quilt.

To be honest it looks better in life than it does as photograph as there are 2 pieces of fabric that all have a metallic copper thread through them. Each piece of fabric is unique but the colour is similar.  The cords and ribbon on the block are also of a metallic thread in them that has a copper tone. Basically because when you see this block  it glitters a bit it has more life than the photograph.

As usual you can click on the photo to see a larger version.

Crazy Quilt Block 100 diagramCrazy Quilt Block 100 Fabric content:

  • Piece 1: velvet
  • Piece 2: metallic after 5 wear fabric
  • Piece 3: taffeta
  • Piece 4: metallic after 5 wear fabric
  • Piece 5: synthetic
  • Piece 6: metallic after 5 wear fabric
  • Piece 7: teddy bear fabric with high pile

Item Count: 

As regular readers know that the challenge to this quilt was use 2001 unique pieces of fabric, lace, braids, charms, buttons or ribbons as it is a Y2K quilt. The on going count list below list the number to date.

    • Fabric: 7
    • Lace, braid and ribbon: 2
    • Buttons and charms: 8

Total items on this block: 17
Total tally of items on the quilt so far: 1909

But you will notice I am short! Oh No! But wait a minute look at what I did when joined my quilt blocks …

I dropped the button box quilt

Buttons are at most corners – making up the short fall! It looks like I dropped the button box and it is how the quilt got its name.

Free Pattern for this Block

 Crazy Quilt Block 100 pattern

Hand embroidered seam details on Crazy Quilt Block 100

Crazy Quilt Block 100 detail 645Because this seam was on velvet I used simple straight stitches and beads to decorate it.When ever a seam is little thick to stitch through I use tricks like this.

Crazy Quilt Block 100 detail 646Here is simple line of herringbone with added beads. I kept the seams simple because there was so many metallic fabrics used in the block.

Crazy Quilt Block 100 detail 647On this seam  used Detached chain stitches

Crazy Quilt Block 100 detail 647The button cluster is mix of modern and vintage buttons placed alongside a line of Feather stitch.

I hope you have enjoyed the  I Dropped the Button Box Quilt  series. Each article offers a free block pattern from the quilt. The articles in the series are all listed and linked to on the CQ details FAQ page. You can read more about the quilt there.

Have you enjoyed this series? If so you may be interested in  a tutorial I have written on how to work decorative crazy quilt seams. The tutorial is a comprehensive tutorial that I converted to a pdf file (a link to the download is in the article). When I converted it I realised how comprehensive it was. At 19 pages of information it is a mini ebook and resource worth investigating!

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Have you seen my book?

holding my book in front of quilt

My book The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design: Simple Stitches, Stunning Results  shares detailed practical methods on how to design and make a crazy quilt. I cover such topics as fabric choice, tricky challenges like balancing colour, texture and pattern, and how to direct your viewers eye around the block. I cover how to stitch and build decorative seam treatments in interesting and creative ways. My book is profusely illustrated as my aim is to be practical and inspiring.



  1. I have loved your beautiful Crazy quilt from the moment I first saw it. Thank you for taking SO MUCH TIME to share all the minute details with us. You’re such a great teacher and soooo talented. ❤️Sheri

  2. Absolutely love this and this whole series… what a labour of love to give us all these details of each block over the years … a truly magical quilt! Can’t wait for you book!! 🙂

  3. coucou
    merci pour ce dernier bloc j’attendais pour finir la mienne, j’ai suivie avec attention jusqu’au dernier, je vais pouvoir m’y remettre après les fêtes de fin d’année.
    Je vous remercie beaucoup pour ce partage, qui me procure énormément de plaisir.
    Je vous souhaite ainsi qu’a toute votre famille et entourage mes meilleur vœux de bonheur joies, et santé

  4. Sharon, your work is absolutely stunning. The photos of this quilt are gorgeous, and I know the photos never quite capture the true beauty of crazy quilted work. I imagine it is all the more magnificent in person. Thank you so much for sharing every step of this work of art with us.

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