I have found some great printables of 20s and 30s lettering which I will share with readers. Today I am sharing with you 5 Pdf files that are distributed via the Antique Pattern Library. These are out of copyright publications which means you can use them freely. I hope you will find some of them useful too!

The first is a set of Art Deco letters that I can see myself using. Listed as Lettres Modernes Album contenant des Modeles d’Alphabets classiques et modernes et de Monogrammes pour la Lingerie et le Linge de Maison J. Sonrel, Paris the ebook contains mainly initials. I was attracted to this 32 page ebook because of the 20s and 30s lettering.

Another ebook with a mouthful of a title, from the same source is listed in the Antique Pattern Library, as Lettres Modernes Album contenant des Modeles d’Alphabets classiques et modernes et de Monogrammes pour la Lingerie et le Linge de Maison J. Sonrel, Paris. Lettres Modernes is a 24 page ebook also has some wonderful 20s and 30s lettering. I wanted to share a lot from this book but kept my screenshot fingers in control.

The third ebook I would like to draw readers attention to is listed as Jolies Lettres Album contenant des Modeles d’Alphabets et de Monogrammes pour la Lingerie et le Linge de Maison J. Sonrel, Paris. I am sure you see a pattern here. Jolies Lettres is a 24 page ebook which opens with some traditional styled alphabets used in whitework monograms but then pays a nod to Art Deco too!

If you like typography with a 20’s and 30s flavour you will also be interested in this ebook listed as Alphabets Album contenant des Modeles d’Alphabets classiques et modernes et de Monogrammes pour la Lingerie et le Linge de Maison J.Sonrel, Paris, 1961. Alphabets is a 32 page ebook of initials that would have been used in surface embroidery and whitework. At first glance at the contents the lettering looks quite traditional which are nice but take a look at the Art Nouveau letters along the top of this page.

Finally an ebook from a totally different author! Alphabete für Plattstich-Stickerei has no known author or publisher. It is described as being 12 pages of alphabets for whitework with some having lower case letters. the first few pages are alphabets with a traditional feel then towards the end we come to the 20s and 30s again.

Recently I have been looking at Alphabets and letters browsing around for something different to use on my story roll / band sampler. I have been using more lettering on it and I was looking for some fresh ideas. These pdfs of 20s and 30s lettering will definitely spark ideas. To give readers an idea of how I have been using lettering on my band sampler I am sharing this image is an example of how I have been using more lettering to record what is going on in my life.
If you want to read more about the story roll / band sampler check out the long band sampler category and if you want the back story, you can find it here. Anyway before I side track myself on another topic totally I hope readers enjoy these resources.

Have you seen my Stitchers Templates?

Create your own designs with Sharon’s easy-to-use stitchers templates. Combine shapes to create hundreds of patterns and designs to embroider. It is the ultimate mix-and-match fun for stitchers of all skill levels. I created them to be as versatile as possible. I include four multi-patterned templates in each set. You will find them easy to use, totally clear to help you position them on your work, and they are nice and compact to fit in your sewing box. Each set comes with an e-book filled with patterns and designs that you can create and use as a jumping-off spot for your own designs. They are available now in our shop here!
Happy stitching!
Nothing like these old alphabets to inject a vintage look to a project where you want to simulate authenticity. Thank you for sharing, from what, I assume, is your personal stash. I wish I could sift through your files, run my fingers over your embroideries, admire your laces and sigh over your collections. I am so happy to at least have access to all you have shared here on your pages. Thank you, Sharon, how I wish we were neighbors.
Diana thanks not my personal stash but the globes stash as it is from the antique pattern library – there is a link in the post for readers
Thank you so much for sharing these letters. They are beautiful.
I thought they were nice and a bit different too