2021 Hope band sampler

2021 Hope band sampler

Start of 2021 stitch roll


  1. It is beautiful and I would love to try something like that. But I have so many different projects started right now that one of my 2021 goals is to try to finish a few already started projects. But in a beading class I just took the teacher gave us “permission” to start new projects and not finish. It’s like practicing the piano or learning any skill, sometimes it’s just for practice and we need to practice to improve. This project seems a perfect answer to that. It’s lovely.

    1. Kathie I totally agree that giving yourself permission to learn something is OK. Not everything has to be practical. The ‘it must be a project and a project that is finished’ mentality actually holds back many women from developing and growing creatively. I simply stick things that are learning items in my studio journal and make notes about it so I dont forget. The reason I took the lesson was to learn something – so I treat it as that a lesson- I take notes about it and definitely don’t feel guilty about it. The lesson performed for me what I wanted it to do and I have no need for completed project at the end.


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