Fabric postcard for June

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Fabric postcard for June

Fabric postcard june

It’s the last day of the month and as regular readers of this blog know I have been making a journal postcard in fabric every month for the 6 x 4 lives project. This fabric postcard is a little sampler based on some of the charted designs Pam Kellog of Kitty and me has been posting for the 100 details in 100 days series.

I worked in on Lynda fabric which was hand dyed. The threads used are metallic, cotton, silk, and wool. I developed some of Pam’s designs further and adapted them for this little sampler.

As a journal it is a small record of the end of this month and what I was thinking about as the 100 details in 100 days series, was launched grew legs and walked, while at the same time I have been working on samplers for the up and coming lessons I will be offering later this year at Joggles.com.

I developed a squidoo list about fabric postcards this month, and while doing so noticed that most people use machine embroidery for these small items but I have discovered that the format is an ideal size to experiment with various hand embroidery techniques. These various techniques of course can be interpreted for use in crazy quilting projects. So as a monthly challenge the fabric postcards are proving to be most enjoyable as they are small and ideal as an experimental format.

As usual you can click on the image for a larger view and for anyone just swinging by this series over on Flickr it is associated with the 6 x 4 lives group and photos are tagged 6x4lives


  1. So glad to find your blog (got here from Leigh’s Fiber Journal) — I am very interested in contemporary art fabric but not interested in sitting at my sewing machine for hours. Will be visiting here a lot!


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