If you don’t know the difference between Tapestry and Chenille needles or what a milliner needle is this handy Hand Needle guide explains and illustrates the difference.
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Oooooh yes – thank you so much for this site! Like Wendy, I have heaps of needles, but was never quite sure which kind I should be using, apart from tapestry needles – self explanatory!
Wow, thanks! I’ve been wondering what all the needle types were. I have about a bazillion needles in my needle box, but wasn’t sure what each of them was for. Now I can use the most useful and appropriate needle for whatever job I’m doing. Or at least I’ll know what the needle I’m using _should_ be used for. π
Great site, Sharon, and most informative. I particularly liked seeing exactly which needles came in what sizes…I jotted it down to keep a note in my wallet! Thanks!