Looking closely at my Freeform Hand Embroidery Sampler

Looking closely at my Freeform Hand Embroidery Sampler

hand embroidered sampler bandAs I have said before I had fun experimenting on this particular area of my sampler I think I really just relaxed into it because it was a very long piece of linen. I explained on this page that my local branch of the Embroiderers guild has a recycle table and one week I found  scored a piece  good even weave 25 cnt linen that was cut 8 inches wide and 10 feet long!

Band 707 is Cretan stitch worked closely together in hand dyed silk thread that is about the same thickness as perle #8.

hand embroidered sampler band

The next band on the sampler was stitched as I watched the evening news I was at the time stunned but happy to see a female in the role.

hand embroidered sampler band

Band 709 is arrow stitch (or arrowhead)  worked row upon row. I worked a length of thread in one colour then when it ran out even if it was mid row I continued in another colour. Threads used are cotton and silk. Worked like this it can look a bit like knitting.

710On Band 710 I returned to working Cretan stitch row upon row.

hand embroidered sampler band The next band, 711 is an example of chevron cretan. It is a half and half stitch, one side being chevron and the other side being cretan. I will share the instructions on how to do this soon.

hand embroidered sampler bandI then experimented with pulling the stitches. The thread is wool so I did not pull too hard on arrow stitch (or arrowhead)  and back stitch. Next I worked a line of Satin stitch in a hand dyed wool thread.

hand embroidered sampler band 713Band 713 is really a reflection on the story of this whole piece of fabric. ( If you do not know it the whole back story you will find it here). I think my comment speaks for itself…

Needlework sampler section 51 bThese are close up details 707 to 713. I hope you have enjoyed them and I hope  this is not too many details in one post. I have my fingers crossed that people will like the overload!

This section of the sampler was worked between June and December of 2010. The sampler itself is only 6 inches wide but it is 96 feet 5 inches or 29.3878 meters long you can read about why it exists on the Sampler FAQ page

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  1. This workpiece is a phenomenon! If your descendants don’t hang on to it in their own pride and continuing amazement, they will probably be able to view it in a museum somewhere!
    BTW: do you ever sleep???

  2. Sharon- how did you do the writing ? I can see that you’ve used something like a running stitch, but how do you get it so even – did you write on the linen first, and then just stitch over it? Thanks so much for all your help.

    Kathy Hoback
  3. Hello Sharon, don’t worry about overloading us with images and commentary, like many more of your followers I’ve missed you and am glad you’re back! I’m up and running with TAST as I was a late starter last time. Now to get on with some catch up!

    Carole Auden
  4. Hi Sharon,
    Very interesting details. I like working continuously on a varied colour theme. great idea. looks somewhat like it is worked with variegated thread. Is this half chevron/ half Cretan stitch also called half chevron stitch? I think we had it on TAST challenge.
    Thank you,

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