Punchneedle, Needlepunch or Bunka embroidery

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Punchneedle, Needlepunch or Bunka embroidery

Many crazy quilters have discovered Needlepunch which is also known as Bunka embroidery. This Overview from Dancing Needles gives you an idea of what the technique is like. Needle punch is a traditional Russian technique, which uses a particular type of needle. The needle is a continuous feed system which feeds embroidery thread as you work to create a textured looped surface. Effectively you draw with thread using a particular form of needle. This site has illustrations on how to thread the needle as well as instructions on how to do it.

So, What is Bunka? is an illustrated article which explains what this form of embroidery is. Basic Instructions and useful tips on how you work this form of embroidery are also found on the same site as both articles are provided by Klema Bunka Punch Embroidery

Rissa Peace has also published a Resource Guide . At the base of the article there are enough links to keep a dedicated surfer busy. RibbonSmyth has also published Punch Needle Basics

Dancing Needles also provide this free pattern for a butterfly which could be embroidered in a regular manner or worked using either punch needle.


  1. I have this book and it is fabulous. I have done punch needlework and Bunka for years, and it surprises me that this gorgeous art form is almost non-existant. Thou I don’t use the Bunka in my CQ, I do use quite a bit of the Punchwork. I love the dimension it gives to a piece.

  2. With my usual over-zealous, obsessed enthusiasm for a new technique, I likely bought every available punchneedle set on the market in recent years. I have never used them — never even played with them. I had visions of creating cherry or acacia blossoms, but another thing I never got around to. I had already created a folder with bookmarked resources to which I’ve added today. Thank you! Perhaps you’ve re-kindled an interest.
    I did, however, once have great fun with a product I bought in the 70’s from a source that specialized in Scandinavian fiber arts. It was called a rug hooker, but as I think back, it was really a punch needle and you could adjust for different
    yarns and different heights. Picture an old fashioned egg beater or a manual drill that you crank; it worked like that. Very easy. I made a rug and wall hanging, both worked on tight woven burlap. I remember my mother added freeform embroidery to my doodle cloth, transforming it into a finished piece. Hope I still have this gadget. Maybe someone else will remember it.

  3. I guess you figured out that I wrote the one for Vickie Brown too…they started out the same article. LOL I enjoy punchneedle and I have tried/used almost every punch needle ever made, except for the new Clover one…just because I am lazy. πŸ˜‰

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