Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 465 and 466

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This crazy quilt seam embellishment is part of block 70 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. The roses are made of silk ribbon using a stitch called woven spoke stitch . The rose buds are twisted chain stitch base of the buds are worked in bullion knots and and …

Introducing Block 70 on the I Dropped the Button Box Quilt

Today I will introduce crazy quilt Block 70 which since it has a dusk pink colour scheme many people respond to. Click on the image to see a larger view and if you want to see the set of this quilt there is a photograph of the full quilt on …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 464

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This seam is on block 69 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. I covered it with a piece of hand dyed lace and cluster of buttons. As I said when I introduced block 69 , in this cluster of buttons there  is an unusual vintage souvenir made from a …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 463

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This seam is on block 69 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. I created it by working feather stitch using ray ribbon floss which had been hand dyed. The tones are a soft warm apricot with sat with the colours in the fabrics on the crazy quilt block.  I then added …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 462

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This seam is to be found on block 69 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. I worked a line of double herringbone. The first line of herringbone is worked in a thicker wool thread. To set up a contrast I worked the the second line of herringbone in …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 461

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This area of block 69 on the I dropped the button box Quilt, illustrates 2 seams. the top is  chevron stitch worked in perle #5 cotton,  threaded with a ribbon knitting yarn. The second is herringbone stitch worked in perle #5 cotton and tied with seed beads. What is the …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 460

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This seam was first covered in feather stitch using a rayon thread. I then added some very tiny vintage sequins or some people would call them spangles. The two little novelty beads in the shape of birds were added last. This seam detail is on block 69 of the I …