Work in Progress Wednesday Block 33 done

I have completed block 33 for my next crazy quilt. So I am feeling very chuffed. (Mind you I still have to assemble the journal quilt I did in 2012 but shush dont tell anyone. . . . I will get to it when I have time) So that is …

Crazy quilt seam detail 438

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This embellished seam is part of  block 65 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. A trail of beads sits above Cretan stitch which is worked in a metallic yarn. What is the story? This regular series aims to illustrate and document the hand embroidered seams, embellishments and decorations on my …

Work in Progress Wednesday Block 33 started

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I have started block 33 for my crazy quilt. It is another of the softer colours on the quilt. They are quite muted but I am enjoying them. I have also managed to embroider a number of the seams and hopefully will be able to finish it later this week. …

Crazy quilt seam detail 437

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This embellished seam is part of  block 65 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. On this seam I decorated it with hand dyed lace, and along the edge I worked crossed buttonhole in perle #5 cotton thread. What is the story? This regular series aims to illustrate and …

Work in Progress Wednesday: Lace crazy quilt block 32

It took me some time but I would like to share another completed crazy quilt block for my lace quilt. If you click on the block you will see a larger version of the photo. All the lace on it is vintage lace I was given “towards my next quilt” …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 436

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This embellished seam is part of  block 65 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. I worked herringbone in a hand dyed cotton thread then added seed beads in the forks of the stitch stop. What is the story? This regular series aims to illustrate and document the hand …

Work in Progress Wednesday Block 32 still going

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My life is crazy busy at the moment and I must admit my energy levels are not as high I would like. But I did manage to find some time to work on my block and so I am sharing with you what I have done. As you can see …