Work in Progress Wednesday Block 32 started

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I have nothing much to report this week except I have started block 32 in this quilt. I have only started one seam however and that is a row of buttonholed herringbone! So that is my report this week! All the lace on it is vintage lace I was given …

Work in Progress Wednesday Block 31 completed

I have managed to complete block 31 for my lace quilt. As I mentioned in my last Work in progress report I had been faffing about trying to find the right thing for it. For all that, I am quite happy with how it turned out. If you click on …

Work in Progress Wednesday Block 31 still going

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Well I have not had a lot of time to stitch this week but post my progress anyway. I have been  faffing around in a most frustrating manner. Trying to decided if I want to do this or that, pulling out bits of lace and thread and beads etc having …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 435

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This cluster of modern buttons is on block 64 of the I dropped the Button Box Quilt. I like silver and blue and up until that stage the block was looking very dull. What is the story? This regular series aims to illustrate and document the hand embroidered seams, embellishments and decorations on my …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 434

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This  seam was first covered with some braid then the edges were further embellished with a line of detached chain stitches worked in  cotton perle #5 , which were interspersed with straight stitches worked in rayon ribbon floss. The little charm is a souvenir from Holland. The seam is on …

Work in Progress Wednesday Block 31 started

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Back to a softer colour scheme for the moment. Once again  I have started some embroidery but there is still many areas to work! This is however my progress this week. In case your wondering about the frame I have the block on I am still using it and really …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 433

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This  seam is embellished with a line of long tailed oyster stitch worked in hand dyed cotton perle #5.  The seam is on block 64 of the I dropped the Button Box Quilt. What is the story? This regular series aims to illustrate and document the hand embroidered seams, embellishments and decorations …