CQ Detail 394

This cluster of buttons over crochet lace is the dominant feature on block 58 of the I dropped the button box quilt. What is the story? This regularly published series aims to illustrate and document the hand embroidered seams, embellishments and decorations on my crazy quilt I dropped the button box. All articles are …

CQ Detail 393

This seam on block 58 of the I dropped the button box quilt is made by lacing a double row of running stitches. The thread is rayon. What is the story? This regularly published series aims to illustrate and document the hand embroidered seams, embellishments and decorations on my crazy quilt I dropped …

CQ Detail 392

This  seam on block 58 is made up of alternating buttonhole which is decorated with detached chain stitches and seed beads. What is the story? This regularly published series aims to illustrate and document the hand embroidered seams, embellishments and decorations on my crazy quilt I dropped the button box. All articles are categorised in …

CQ Detail 390

This detail is a seam on block 58 of the I dropped the button box quilt. I used a furnishing braid to cover the seam and then decorated it with seed beads and straight stitches. What is the story? This regularly published series aims to illustrate and document the hand …

Introducing Block 58 I Dropped the Button Box Quilt

At first glance block 58 looks a little dull but when you notice the little piece of metallic fabric in the middle it all of a sudden lifts. The muted tones are designed to fit in with the diagonal bands of colour on the I Dropped the Button Box quilt. …