Work in progress Wednesdays

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Work in progress Wednesdays

I have nothing to report this week. I am sure readers will understand as I have been organising stuff for Christmas. Since I cant share that stuff  I am still opening this area as promised, so others can share their work in progress.

Join in Work in Progress Wednesdays and leave a comment

I know its a busy time of year but if you have made progress on a large project leave a comment with a link to your site. If you include the http bit of your web address in the comment it will become a link and folks can visit and see what you have done.
If you want to know more about Work in Progress Wednesdays visit the FAQ

All my Work in Progress Wednesday reports are under that category.


  1. Sewing deadlines have taken over – no time for the projects I want to do. After they are done I hope to make progress on my long term projects. Also, I signed up for the Crazy Quilt Journal 2013.

    Marci Hainkel

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