Detached Chain is often one of the first stitches people learn. Many people call this stitch: daisy stitch, lazy daisy stitch, tall chain stitch, loop stitch, tied loop stitch, picot stitch, and knotted knot stitch. But don’t let those names lead you into thinking that you can only make flowers with it.
What’s in a Name?
We call Detached Chain by that name because that is what it is, a single chain stitch. You can use it to create all sorts of patterns and textures. For instance, I stitched the sample above on hand-dyed Aida cloth. I arranged the Detached chain stitches in a grid and secured the sequins with a seed bead in the spaces. It is a pattern that you can use to work on a small item such as a bag or purse, for instance.

This sample makes a really nice border pattern. I have arranged the detached chain stitches in sets of three in a fan shape. In addition, I secured the centre detached chain stitch with a small chain rather than a straight stitch. And I have added a seed bead to the head of the stitches. I worked the next sample over sequin waste to create a medallion pattern.
How to work Lazy Daisy or Detached Chain stitch
Bring the needle up through the fabric and hold the thread with the left thumb. Insert the needle as illustrated, so that the point emerges a short distance away.

With the thread wrapped under the needle’s point, pull the needle through the fabric.

To fasten the loop, make a small straight stitch.

As you can see it is a stitch easily worked in a circle to create flower shapes.

The next 2 samples are Detached Chain stitches used in crazy quilting.

In this sample, I combined Detached Chain with straight stitches and seed and novelty beads to work along the edge of lace. The thread I used was cotton perle #5.

In this sample, I used Detached Chain along the edge of lace. If you want to see this detail in context you can see the whole block and have the pattern for Block 99 free.

Have you seen my Stitchers Templates?

Create your own designs with Sharon’s easy-to-use stitchers templates. Combine shapes to create hundreds of patterns and designs to embroider. It is the ultimate mix-and-match fun for stitchers of all skill levels. I created them to be as versatile as possible. I include four multi-patterned templates in each set. You will find them easy to use, totally clear to help you position them on your work, and they are nice and compact to fit in your sewing box. Each set comes with an e-book filled with patterns and designs that you can create and use as a jumping-off spot for your own designs. They are available now in our shop here!
Happy stitching!
Here is my TAST 2021 sampler after adding detached chain stitches.
This is one of my favourite stitches. My samples are here.
Pingback: TAST 2012 #7: Detached Chain Stitch - Studio Paars: embroidery detached chain stitch
Pingback: Isolated Stitches in Embroidery - Beyond TAST
Week 4 of 2018 TAST: https://www.thecrafties.com/2018/01/tast-detached-chain-stitch/
Thanks, Sharon!
Detached Chain Stitch added to the table runner. Tried for a double detached chain with some gold to give it a little sparkle: https://chasehandcraft.com/2018/01/28/detached-chain-stitch-tast-4/
Pingback: 1 Years stitches – Days 9 – 12 | CrazyQstitcher
Here is my detached chain sample – http://hokkaidokudasai.blogspot.jp/2015/09/take-stitch-tuesday-7-detached-chain.html
I am stitching on paper as my challenge. The first 7 stitches are at this post. (I am posting once a month.)
Sandy in the UK
PS.I have had a hard time for this to post! this is the 3rd browser attempt.
Thank you for this beautiful stitch
I like much to do this stitch…and l have learned much more
with your clear instructions…Thank you
I combined several TAST stitches that I missed into one project:
Finally posted my week 7: http://blog.fiberholic.net/2012/03/tast-week-7-detached-chain-stitch.html
Catching up on Week 7's Stitch!
Here's my lazy daisy! http://www.marriedtoabmw.com/2012/03/tast-weeks-7-8.html
My detached chain on stitchin fingers http://stitchinfingers.ning.com/photo/wk7-detached-chain-stitch
Here's my week 7 sample – better late than never!
My stitches for this week : http://artwhiz.blogspot.in/2012/02/tast-2012-lazy-daisy.html
I finally did get my Lazy daisy stitch pic up. I thought i had it there but there must have been a glitch so I just posted it again.. Please go here if you want to take a gander…thanks Sharon
IWeek 7 Detached Chain stitch was a new one for me as I had only done chain and daisy stitch. My blog is http://timeusebybernice.wordpress.com/
Hi Sharon,
haven't been able to do much embroidery the last few weeks… At least I'm still persevering with my sampler.
Here are some pics – end of week 7. A bit disappointing, though.
I'll be uploading to Stitching Fingers shortly.
Best (and thanks, again)
Here's my week 7: http://aurora-lee.ca/Creative/?p=1259
Flickered: http://www.flickr.com/photos/playswithfibers/
Week 7 is up on my blog. Enjoy! http://quiltisland.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-7-lazy-daisy.html
I am down to the wire on this one. I wanted to post mine before I go to work this morning. My examples of detached chain can be seen here: http://karrinscrazyworld.blogspot.com/
My lazy daisy / detached chain stitches:
My daughter wouldn't let me post hers again this week… she is such a perfectionist. I'm going to have to work on her! She tried several individual stitches, and then made a little daisy out of pink perle cotton.
I've just done something small for the Detached Chain Stitch, and finished the block it's on. http://so-susan.blogspot.com/2012/02/unchain-my-heart.html Nothing earth-shattering, but I'm just learning the stitches. I'm amazed and awed by the work some of you do!
Hi Sharon and all, there seemed to be a problem with my blog overnight but it seems to be all fixed now. Like a lot of the others, I have been working detached chain stitch for many years. I enjoyed making my little picture with it. It is here on my blog: http://dinkydideequilts.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/sunday-night.html
My stitching is here: http://zemugne.blogspot.com/2012/02/grandineles-is-nesujungtu-kilpu.html Preparing for Easter…
Hi Sharon ! I'm a new hands and it's the first time I make the tast. I love your blog, thanks for all, I can learn embroidery and english too !
My sample is on my blog:
I am a little late this week but please view my sampler.
Hi Sharon, \my completed dtached chain sampler is on my blog-
I've finally caught up with you guys! Here's my post for this week: http://heegeldab.blogspot.com/2012/02/linnusilmapiste-detached-chain-stitch.html
A nice stitch to play with … http://silkandstitch.blogspot.com/2012/02/detached-chain-stitch-tast-2012.html
I am getting frustrated. I am keeping up with TAST. My camera does not want to work. GRRRRR…. When I get it fixed, there will be lots of stitches to see.
A very small bit of my Tast on my blog.This is a small mixture of the past few weeks.
My piece for week 7 is posted on my blog at:
Sharon here is my next page for TAST 2012
i'm another one of those who knew this stitch as a lazy daisy.
it's good to learn the proper names as we go along.
my work with this stitch are here: http://simpletosublimepapernapkinpoetry.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-week-7-detached-chain-stitch.html
How fun, I made a wildflower garden with mine, wishing for spring!! http://lovelymesses.blogspot.com/
I had fun with this stitch: http://textiledreamer.wordpress.com/2012/02/18/take-a-stitch-tuesday-2012-week-7-detached-chain-stitch/
Two more samples from me.
My first sample is here
Shami Immanuel.
I didn't know the lazy daisy stitch was also called the detached chain stitch. Here's my practice piece:
I haven't written my "offical TAST post of the week" yet (and probably won't until next week), but you can already see some of my chain stitches in this post: http://wildrosesandblackberries.blogspot.com/2012/02/aurica-sampler-part-1.html
It's a round-up of all the TAST stitches I've done so far in my aurica yarn. It's the same pic as the one I posted in the Flickr group.
I didn't experiment much, but here's my post about this stitch:
I post my work of the week here:
As you probably know I am in the middle of a Pebble Adventure. Tha lazy daisy stitch is used to embroider some beads in the project. Here is the link: http://threads-and-patches.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-week-6-detached-chain-stitch.html
You can find my detached chain stitch block here:
Oh this so much fun. week 7 posted on my blog.
Finally finished my sample of detatched chain! I always thought of this stitche as boring – not any more 🙂
Here's my small example:
This week's sample is finished. I have blogged at http://www.carorose.typepad.com and posted to the Flikr site http://www.flickr.com/groups/56846286@N00/
I almost forgot! My mini-sampler this week 🙂
I didn't get a lot of time for stitching this week but I am quite happy with what I did and I can see a lot of potential in using this stitch in the future. There's a photo on my blog: http://kirajones.co.uk/?p=618
This week's stitch came out surprisingly simple and effective. http://nipetnapet.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-2012-week-7.html
Here is my attempt at detached chain stich of the week7.
Just a little bit of detached chain posted on my blog.
Fun, as always!
The first stitch grandma taught me. I think of her whenever I stitch it.
Here's my lazy daisy sample!
I had fun with the Detached Chain stitch:
Hi Sharon & Everyone!
My post for the week.
Happy Carnival for all!
Hi Sharon & Everyone!
My post for the week.
Happy Carnival for all!
Thanks Sharon, for helping to get back to hand embroidery. My work is here
You can see my most recent work on my blog:http://cantheleopardchangeherspots.blogspot.com/
I got my Chevron Stitch finished late, but I just finished the Detached Chain Stitch.
I've added samples to my blog. http://focus-on-fiber.blogspot.com
Hi Sharon, absolutely loved this stitch, this is my sample for week 7, you can
find it here !
Certainly an old favorite. Memories. Sitting on the floor with a hoop, some variegated floss and a printed pillowcases. Old songs. Chain, chain, chain of fools. Unchain my heart. I hope someone stitched those lyrics.
Hi Sharon
I skipped a few weeks, but I'm back on track, I'll catch up with the weeks missed. here is my Detached chain sample. Thanks. Patricia
My TAST detached chain stitch for this week, Week 7.
Unbelievably I am two days earlier than usual. I can't say Detached Chain filled me with masses of inspiration but I tried a couple of variations of use – pictures on http://maggies-textiles.blogspot.com.au/
Love this stitch..here is my sample http://easycrafts.blogspot.in/2012/02/detatched-chain-stitch.html
My trials with lazy daisy,
I learned a new technique using lazy daisy see here
Here's my post for this week's stitch. http://airynothing.net/Blogs/anblog/2012/02/15/detached-chain-stitch-lazy-daisy
A busy week, so I've posted some photos of works in progress on which I've used detached chain stitch. There's even a beaded version.
My old chain stitch sample of 2007 is here: http://tenar72.wordpress.com/2012/02/16/tast-detatched-chain-stitch/
Today I have been working on my Detached Chain stitch. http://ullabritt.wordpress.com/tast-2012/7-detached-chain-stitch/
loved this stitch – so came in with my samples well on time this week :0)
I am loving this challenge. I've got more animals this week.
I finally finished. Hard to get out of the idea of ??flower with this
My sample is here —-http://www.flickr.com/photos/stitchinwoman/6886706073/in/photostream
Mine's up. Early for me, too! Lazy Daisy, always a favorite. http://stitchingwithashimmy.com/2012/02/16/tast-week-7-detatched-chain-stitch/
I see that I am not the only one who find this a favourite stitch! Easy to make, usually well-behaved and so versatile it is no wonder we all love it. I enjoyed Week 7 very much.
My contribution is here:http://web.me.com/queeniepatch/Queeniepatch_Quilts/Blog/Entries/2012/2/16_TAST_2012%2C_Week_7.html
My trial for this week's challenge is here:
It is nice to learn a new stitch or exploring the known stitch every week. Feel like doing something useful being a home maker. Thanks for running this challenge.
Shami Immanuel.
You can see my little sample on my blog: http://fabricfusion.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-2012-7-aufgabe-und-meine-neue.html
Happy Stitching
I've posted my Detached Chain Stitch on my blog at http://www.tyketextiles.blogspot.com
Good evening ! I've completed my 7th weekly challenge. Here are the photos and details
Please pay me a visit ;o)
An old favourite. My sample can be viewed here
Here's mine: http://thatyankstitches.multiply.com/journal/item/274/Take_A_Stitch_Tuesday_2012_Challenge_-_Week_7
It looks a lot better where I used it on a crazy quilt block here: http://thatyankstitches.multiply.com/photos/album/27/CQJC2012BJP2012#photo=2 … A row of "flowers" in the top left corner and little daisies on the yellow-orange ribbon in the middle….
I have started exploring this stitch on even weave cloth- my blog-
thanks, Sharon
Voici terminé mon travail de la semaine. vous pouvez voir le résultat sur mon blog… et encore merci pour ce défi….http://carrementcrazy.zumablog.com/index.php?sujet_id=17157
My detatched chain samples are on my blog at:
Here http://homemadebyme.tumblr.com/post/17656208483/tast-2012-semaine-7-detached-chain-stitch my work for this week 7.
I like this work I did very much.
My samples are on my Flickr site this week
There are some of my Tast 1 samples at
Hi Sharon,
I'd created a mirror/shisha work out of this stitch-http://letslearnembroidery.blogspot.in/2012/02/mirror-work-3.html
I love this simple stitch and made a simple design on a pin cushion. I have blogged about it here
Thank you Sharon
Here are the links to some of my detached chain stitches – one of my favorites!
On Flicker at:
or on stitchin fingers at:
I love this stitch.
Of course this is the first stitch i learnt long long ago.
Of course a beautiful stitch.
Thanks Saron B making me do various stitches by your TAST 2012 and waiting every week to know about stitches.
I exihibited my old collection and like to try a new piece soon.
This is definitely my favourite and I have put a piece that I completed a little while ago on my blog. It is based on a technique by Jean Littlejohn.
http://christinaroland.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-week-7.html on my blog http://christinaroland.blogspot.com/ for the results of week 7. Not my favourite stitch, but the variations are almost endless, and there are a lot of those I like. Didn't do much on that front, just used the plain detatched chain stitch in different forms. Looking forward to see other people's work.
I got working on it right away 🙂
I love the lazy daisy stitch! It is one that I use often as it is one of the first stitches I learned. It made wonder just how long ago that was! Somethings are better left unsaid!! You can check out what I did here
thanks for looking!
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It is nice to have this detcahed chain stitch again. I worked this stitch to create patterns last time, this time around,I thought this stitch can be used on even weave cloth. still in the thinking stage.
my earlier experiments with this stitch.
I was ahead of the game, since I love this stitch and wanted to show how I'd incorporated it in my big silk piece which I dyed then went back into, to "paint" with stitches. To see what I was up to, go here: http://beautifulmetaphor.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-week-seven-running-chain-aka.html
I love this challenge! it's lending more structure to the otherwise lonely work in the studio! thank you, Sharon.
Hi Sharon, My week 7 stitch is done. As always I kept it small to allow me at the end to put all my fabric pages together in a journal format. My piece is on my blog now. http://northbrookstitches.blogspot.com
Thanks so much, Romona
I shared some old samples on my blog today:
I finally managed to do the sample on a Tuesday! Whilst it was still light too! I can't promise this will happen ever again, but you never know. Strange things happen daily…
http://sew-in-love.blogspot.com/2012/02/fantastic-catch-up.html – this is my post with the last 3 weeks worth of TAST samples, even though they're not very exciting!=)
so, I'm tha first 🙂
wellcome http://alovchany.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-week-7-detached-chain-stitch.html
Nice stitch for this week! Stitched with spring colors to fight again winter, snow,ice…. Pictures here on my blog http://6stem5.canalblog.com
Chain stitch seemed perfect for the centre of this motif, it is very much a work in progress http://emmelinesplace.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-7-detached-chain.html
I think this was probably the first stitch I used as a child, 60+ years ago – always a favourite and to me it is a daisy stitch!
I didn't add a new piece in the 2007 challenge, but collected together old favourites, http://www.flickr.com/photos/23261611@N04/4501706981/in/set-72157623763221568
I'll probably add one of the old pieces and a small new one to my new narrow Sampler. Connie.
This is my TAST 2007 sample: