Colour my world with beetles?

Colour my world with beetles?

Did you know that to obtain a pound of Cochineal red colorant extract you need to bash the hell out of a million cochineal beetles? This is why the Aztecs valued the red dye so much. I am not sure if it is the satisfaction in the bashing or the work involved but they did value the extract. I turned this little bit of colour trivia up from the Colour Matters site. If you wish to learn a little more about colour take some time out and explore Colour Matters as all aspects of colour are covered. Colour perception, colour as a science, colour and computers, and the psychology of colour are just a few topics covered.

Colour is a fascinating area of research and I have been doing a bit of a round up of links on the topic. On All about Colour, Pantone has also provided brief articles on the physics, history, the psychology and how we perceive colour.

I know the British love their museums and collections (I did too when I was there!) but I was surprised to discover that the Society of Dyers and Colourists in the UK have provided a Colour Museum. It is a fun interactive site which is educational as well.

The history of the colour wheel is fascinating as Mary Ellen Searcy points out since ancient times humans have tried to classify colour.

Color Schemer – Online is a great idea. This online program displays 15 colors that compliment one another. Not only is it great for anyone who is learning about colour but it is also fun.

For anyone who needs to brush up on the basics Color Theory is a brief article that introduces the topic and Lucy Lyons Willis also provides a good basic article covering some of the basics of colour theory in Needlework

Finally if you need a Color Glossary one is provided by colorcube.com

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