Fabric post cards as a journal project

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Fabric post cards as a journal project

Teri left a comment yesterday on a post I did this time last year about using the format of a fabric postcard as a journal project . At the time there were no nibbles but now a second comment has been left by Patsy saying it would be a great challenge.

Fabric postcards as a format interest me, but I must admit that last year I did not continue with this idea as other things like the Bags of fun challenge and the Katrina quilt got in the way. In this post on fabric postcards I point out that this format is ideal as journal project for hand stitchers because the size is small so an idea could be worked quickly. As a challenge this means it would not exclude those who are interested in hand work. I am wondering if anyone else thinks it is a good idea. I suggest that it is open to all in any fiber technique. What do people think? What guidelines etc would be needed? A card a month? Please leave comments and reactions and I will think about it if I get a nibble this time around.


  1. I would LOVE to do this! Sometimes a theme works, but I would like to see swaps open to more whimsical subjects as well, and whatever different materials — included print fabric — that will get their idea across. Please contact me if you decide to do this — I feel it will provide me with a real learning curve, working in smaller sizes without as many limits!
    Beth McDonald

  2. I think it’s an awesome idea…I’ve been wanting to do something like this, but can’t handle even journal size right now…FPC is perfect, and one a month would be my choice, something I could handle successfully with my schedule. YAY!

  3. I’d love to join in. As long as non blog.coms can attend . . . ? A card a month is about as much as I’d be able to do right now, but I really like the idea of crafting along with others. πŸ™‚

  4. […] Sharon posted about using fabric postcards as a journal project. I really think this is an excellent idea. It would be a fun way for me to document all of my sewing using the leftover scraps and experiments that I do while making clothing and bags. Am I likely to do this, especially considering that I don’t do much to document my projects as it is? […]

  5. I’ll bite!! I love the postcard format – although I have not done many. I have swapped a few and also used them as test peices for other works. I also like the size as it is something that I can work on whilst on the train (commuting to and from work).

    As for guidelines… I would think one a month is good. Use our own theme, or challenge ourselves to a technique, topic etc each time (eg, a colour/monotone, printing (ie lino, vegetable etc), discharge, reverse applique etc etc). Perhaps we could post them on our blog at the end of the month a bit like the simple still life challenge http://simplestilllife.blogspot.com or Loobylu’s Month of Softies http://www.flickr.com/groups/19293530@N00/

    Just my thoughts…

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