Lagartera Embroidery

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Lagartera Embroidery

Through the week I was asked about Lagartera Embroidery and had to leave the answer until today as life was busy. I knew I was going to have to trawling though my references as there is little online about this obscure form of embroidery. I knew I had an article somewhere and I eventually found it in Embroidery and Cross stitch magazine Vol. 10, No. 4.

As you can see it is only a two page spread which informed me that Lagartera Embroidery is traditionally worked on even-weave linen in satin stitch, cross stitch, and double running stitch and originates from a Spanish village of the same name. It’s an interesting form of embroidery because as a style it has an emphasis on patterns and predates Spanish Blackwork.

The only book I know of about this type of embroidery is published by the South Australian Embroiderers Guild under the title Lagartera Embroidery


  1. I am very much interested in this embroidery, but want alot more information on its history. The South Australian Guild Book only says it goes back 500 years. Is there anything more specific.

  2. Hi Sharon – I have the book put out by the South Australian Embroiderers Guild. It is wonderful – very detailed and has exquisite photos. One of my ‘someday’ projects. MI Pat

    MI Pat
  3. I have come across a book called easing into Lagartera. It features one clear picture that looks a bit like Hardanger without the cutwork.
    I am digging out my collection looking for those charts. get back to you

  4. Sharon this is fascinating; I have bought several items on eBay (tablecloths, smaller cloths) in this style of stitching, and I thought it was just some kind of art deco work from the 1940’s. If you would like to see it, leave a message on my blog and I will oblige.

  5. Had a look at the picture on the book cover. The colors and geometric tile-like layout might be a relic from the Moorish heritage. People in Morocco do similar embroidery but often just in one color.

  6. I found a www page with some pictures on it – at http://www.designsinstitches.com/Lagartera.htm
    (the site is selling these pattern files for computer embroidery machines, but looking at the pictures is free 😉 … I also had a look around and noticed there are also free redwork/etc patterns on the same site)
    and I also found another book, “Easing into Lagartera” by Mary Hickmott – is for sale at http://www.stitcher.co.uk/index.asp?Link=pages/other/secondLevelPageGen.asp&SSN=5700
    (has pictures on the cover, that you can sort of see ok on the web page)
    no – I am not an expert on any of this stuff – in fact I know next to nothing about it – but I can’t resist an excuse to have a hunt around the www with google – LOL
    (one never knows what one might find – like those free redwork/etc patterns, they could be handy one day, but it might not actually be redwork I use them for 😉 … and I don’t have an embroidery machine but I will probably just use the pictures as designs to do by hand)

  7. Also check out Ethnic Fiberart LLC — there are no directions but a very nice close=up pic of Lagartera embroidery. I understand that EGA also has a book on the subject.


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