The Katrina Hurricane survivor fundraiser are on EBay

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The Katrina Hurricane survivor fundraiser are on EBay

Drum roll please … I have the URLS for the All that Jazz quilts that are to be auctioned are are on Ebay. It’s a 10 day auction and here are the links. The large quilt is All that Jazz no 1 and there is All that Jazz no 2 followed by All that Jazz no 3.

As I pointed out yesterday the production and auction of these quilts is a fundraiser for survivors of the Katrina disaster. Willa Fuller of In the Willawags is acting as an agent in the US and selling these quilts on Ebay for us.

The quilts have been valued by an accredited assessor and they were valued at $3,000, $1,800 and $1,200 dollars (Australian) respectively. This documentation will accompany the quilts and who ever buys them will receive the paper work with the quilt. Hopefully we will be able to raise a decent sum for the hurricane survivors.

The instigators of this project are myself and Annie Whitsed of Annies Crazy World who acted as coordinators. Linda Barraclough of Chloe’s place has been acting as an advisor and I would like to publicly thank her for her input and ideas. Thanks goes out to Willa Fuller of In the Willawags who is acting as our point of contact in America. Of course we could not realise the project without the blocks received from everyone who participated and without the assistance of the Canberra Crazy Quilters group.

A Gallery is online which displays each block in all its glory. In the gallery you can click on the individual blocks in the quilt and it will take you to a close up. On the page is an statement from each artists and links to their home pages.

Please spread the word on blogs, email discussion lists and anywhere else you can think of as the money goes to a good cause.

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