100 details for 100 days Day 5

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100 details for 100 days Day 5

Day 5 is this series 100 details in 100 days is another way to embellish ribbon in crazy quilting. It is simply a row of bullion buds worked on velvet ribbon.

The buds are made of two bullions worked in hand dyed silk thread which is about the weight of DMC pearl 8 the stem of the flower is a single fly stitch worked in DMC pearl 5. Since the ribbon is velvet the buds sink in a bit making it a a simple but effective treatment.

Down one side of the ribbon I used some flower shaped beads. Once again a combination of detached chain stitch worked in DMC pearl 5 and a small straight stitch finishes it off.

A piece of lace has been embellished with beads and three detached chain stitches.

I am amazed at how many people are joining in Debra Spincic of her Design Studio has also joined in and Rebecca of Hobbies and the military dropped me an email to say she was going to join too. Another site to watch is Hideko Ishida is also going to join in.

Marty of Textiles in Time has made up three blocks which she is going to embellish with details from this series and since Annie Whitsed of Annies Crazy World has also been posting details of her crazy quilting projects, Marty will draw on those too.

I see no reason why people could not load their own series of details if they chose rather than stitch along as such. Although Allison Aller is proving true to her word and so far stitching along and is posting her results daily many people I am sure would feel this is a bit of a heavy commitment but would like to join in. What about simply photographing or scanning work you have around and posting those details? I am a great believer in eye candy propagation. So if you want to join in why not feed the muse. If people don’t like what I post they can get their inspiration from elsewhere.

Sharing work this way has an advantage to you as well as the community. Too often people focus on what is not done rather than what they have achieved. In sorting out a pile of close ups you will have to focus on your successes not your failures. Sharing a creative success builds confidence and as a result creativity blossoms. If you don’t want to commit to such an obligation try sharing some tip or skill the next time you feel a bit flat. It always lifts me out of the doldrums and when I sit down to stitch I do so with more energy and enthusiasm than before. Everyone always says I am generous. To a degree I am, but really it’s a selfish practice because I always get back so much more. This little series snowballing like this is a perfect example as it is turning into so much fun.

Over on the Flickr Crazyquilting Group the general feel is that anyone joining in on this can post their images and share so it’s eye candy all round!

Only one person so far has left a comment to say they would prefer a separate group because they would like to see all the details together. This is where “tags” come in. What are tags? On Flickr you can give your photos a “tag”, which is like a keyword or category label. If everyone who posted a detail tagged their photos 100detailsin100days, which I notice Susan of Plays with needles has already started to do then when people clicked on the tag they would this tag URL it will land you on a page of just the details. That’s the wonderful thing about tags – you can link to the tag and you will see everyones work who has used the tag. For instance check out Candida’s Photos as she has used the tag too. You will see that her stitching is far neater than mine – I am inclined to let things get sloppy. I tell myself that I let things flow but really it’s a case of not marking my lines and you can see the difference in the quality of the work! So don’t miss Candida’s details.

I will have to collate all this info together in one place and have a page that lists what people are doing however I think this tag on flickr might serve better as people can subscribe to an rss feed of the tag.

This complete series is listed under 100 details in 100 days in this blog. Over on Flickr it is associated with the Crazyquilting Group and photos are tagged 100detailsin100days


  1. Sharon, thank you so much for the nice compliment. πŸ™‚ Coming from you means a lot to me. I don’t see any slopiness in your work but if that is what you think, it is the most beautifull slopiness I’ve ever seen and the one that always inspire me. Lol!

  2. I love what you are doing with ribbons. It is nice to see ideas to couch or sew down a ribbon with beautiful embroideries.
    This particular pic is a good example of the variety of ‘stuff’ a person can incorporate in a CQ piece. The buttons, different ribbons, etc. Very attractive.

  3. Sharon…
    I am ‘kinda playing along’ with the 100 series too (another Quilt Studio quilter who got the info on the series from Allie)…I am doing a very small CQ for my Journal page this month and your series is SOOO timely…you can see my feeble attempts on my blog – http://caricol.blogspot.com/ – I have not embroidered since I was a child so my treatments are going to rather wonky! And..unless I make more blocks to practice on, I will run out of seams in a couple of weeks!
    One suggestion for the series…I found with the first one I did that I got way, way too cramped and could not get all the elements in – could you by chance give an approximate size to your repeats?? That way us beginners will know to leave enough space!
    I LOVE your site! Thanks *so* much for everything thats published on it…its a great help!

  4. Julia its very open as its grown of its own accord – I started posting details then Allison started work some on the blocks she already had on the go and others joined in – its really up to each person as to how they want to interpret this. Lindas interpretation is fine as probably the most important aspect is to get eyecandy out there and people stimulated to try something new even if its only a couple of seams.

  5. Hi Sharon,
    Now if i could get my act into gear I would love to join in..of course i will have to catch up first.
    Forgive me, but I must have missed it , I don’t quite get how the ladies are doing these..are they making a block or just rows of seam treatments..
    Thanks JuliaC

  6. Okay – it is too much for me.

    Would love to join in, but haven’t a hope at the minute. But I am with you all in spirit. So am posting 100 Details in 100 Days – but mine are details of the collection on which I am working.

    Somehow each post is going to somehow relate to crazy patch. Somehow.

    http://chloesplace.blogspot.com/2006/06/100-details-in-100-days-day-1.html“ rel=”nofollow”>chloesplace.blogspot.com/2006/06/100-details-in-100-days-…

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