Fabric postcard for August

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Fabric postcard for August

august postcard

Well here I come skittering through the door, sliding to a stop, flushed in the face, waving around an odd bit of fiber and announcing in slightly panting tones even if the sides are not straight I did it!

As you can see I have finished the fiber postcard for the 6 x 4 lives challenge. I posted an image of it on flickr yesterday. A larger detail is here

The 6 x 4 lives challenge is to produce a fiber postcard at least once a month that records what you have been exploring, doing, or thinking about. Regular readers know that recently I have been bitten by the Paisley bug and I worked a couple of designs the other day. It was a bit late in the month to start a contemporary crewel embroidered piece like this but I jumped in anyway.

Here is a list of people who made a fabric postcard this month and posted it to the flickr site.

Kay Susan of smockery made two cards based on a paisley theme and mid month posted a postcard about her summer.

Maureen of Kenmaurs corner has been featuring a daily series on fabric postcards and she made one this month for the challenge.

creaworx made a card

Emmy of cramzy also made a raised surface postcard

@mp also produced a card.

This is not swap challenge, but a personal challenge. The format of a fabric postcard can be used to explore telling stories visually, or experimenting with techniques.

As usual you can click on the image for a larger view. Over on Flickr it is associated with the 6 x 4 lives group and photos are tagged 6x4lives


  1. You have hooked me into the “beyond paisley” designing! I have already signed up for your stitches class. Tonight I found eQuilter.com, they have an entire category of Paisleys, Scrolls and Swirls. Great ideas. Love the idea of the paisleys going off the side of the card.

    Doni Palmgren
  2. Jo, Allison, Susan and Rissa

    Allison – I think you are right as many do look alike not all, but many – I sense it may because they are often quickly made and almost treated as a production run – combined with machine embroidery – nothing wrong with any of these techniques but combine them together and a sense of same look, feel, style develops – sometimes without the maker even realising it.

    I guess I prefer to make fewer but tackle each as an individual small piece. I also really enjoy hand work.

    Jo I didn’t deliberately set out to create a teaser but have been working on a number of samplers and wanted a bit of change – not from the stitches but the format – so these stiches will be in my class notes but as I said it was more about stitching with stitches I was recently working on than a teaser as such.

    thanks Susan and Rissa for your lovely compliment – they are nice to recieve

  3. Lovely work sharon.
    On the first post you named some stitches used, but they are not in your dictionary, and you haven’t gone into any further detail about the stitches utilised in this piece. Is this a teaser for your class? If so it’s working!!!

  4. Very pretty and unique! Congrats on finishing in time!
    I’m always amazed by the effects of color and your postcard provides another lesson. The use of the brighter color for the sketched background makes the paisleys appear to be the background on the finished postcard. Or is it just me? lol Either way, its a keeper!

    Colleen Rangel

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