I am back!

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I am back!

Hi all I am back and with a work in progress report! Well there is a bit more than just a work in progress report so read on …

While I was out of action my hands were not, so I finished this lap rug I started not long ago. When I started project last month I mentioned how I was winding yarn together in order to make yarns of the same ply as I had quite a bit of scrap yarn I am attempting to use up.

As people know I am on a self imposed fiber diet so with stash busting in mind, the ball winder has been busy again and I have started the next lap rug. This time instead of crocheting back and forth I am living dangerously and crocheting around a square. Wise cracks aside this simple straight forward approach to making a rug that will go camping is a quick and easy way to use scrap yarn.

You may notice the crochet hook looks like one of those bamboo ones. That is because it is! I found them in what is called “Japanese Style” shops here. I mean that is the name of the chain. They sell products from Japan and are usually well stocked with numerous plastic containers of all shapes and sizes. In fact, if you only just glanced inside these shops you may not realise they sell other things apart from storage containers. I am sure Aussies in the major cities will know the chain I mean. Anyway I found some bamboo or mock bamboo (I am not sure) crochet hooks and knitting needles up the back of the store the other week. Since they were priced at $2.50 I just had to try them. I have to say they are great and I will be heading back to buy more in different sizes because they are so light in the hand

On another note entirely Stitching fingers is going from strength to strength. Interest groups are growing and the community is taking on a life of its own. At the time of writing we have 394 members! Most importantly people seem be enjoying it and there is a real nice atmosphere about the site. If you have not checked it out yet do so as for all its chaos it feels very welcoming and warm thanks to some of the lovely people there.

The site is actually hard to keep away from! Or, I am finding it so. This is a disaster because I am trying to finish the final drafts of Using a Studio Journal which will begin on June 27. I know it sounds like an age away but it is not.

On another note a few weeks ago I mentioned that we were interviewed by the Caroline Holmes of the BBC about our garden which we lost in the Canberra fires. The radio show is about gardening in drought in a time of climate change. You can now hear the podcast for a week on this page. Look in the right hand side for the podcast icon and “listen to the latest edition”. Our bush fire and garden story is told about half way through the show.


  1. Hello Sharon, just discovered your site. Am most intrigued by your reference to “those Japanese shops” us Aussies should know about… Well I don’t know! I live in Brisbane and can’t think of any ‘japanes container shops’ – please enlighten me. (It’s the lure of them bamboo hooks!)

  2. Hi Sharon,
    I’m a friend of JoWynn’s (she’s blogged about me) and I like to crochet. I want to make a “stash throw” and love the look of the rug here where you’re going around in circles. Could you tell me if I’m correct in thinking that you put about three stitches in each corner? I’d like to make a square/rectangular looking piece, rather than a round one, but I always think of crocheting in rounds as creating a round piece.
    Thanks for any help you can give me.


  3. Welcome back! it took me some days to find you again. I just felt so bad every time I looked and you were still so obviously sore that I didn’t stop by for a while.
    Thankyou for starting stitchin fingers.
    Love the lap rug.
    i haven’t seen bamboo crochet needles before – like the knitting ones.

  4. Hi! Sharon,

    So glad you are back on your feet I know what back trouble is and felt so sorry for you. You didn’t waste any time though that’s a lovely throw!


  5. Glad to see you are feeling better.

    I don’t want you to spend too much time at stitchin fingers – like I am – since I’m signed up for the Studio Journal class. LOL I just keep looking in to see who has posted what. It is a nice group of stitchers.

  6. Hi Sharon
    I just joined ‘stitching fingers’. I used to live in Canberra not so long a go and I often visit down there as I still have family living in Canberra. Thank you for starting the group it looks like fun.

  7. So glad you are back! I hope your back is no longer hurting.
    I’ve tried bamboo needles once, but did not like them. The wool did not slip well on them, making knitting quite difficult. But many people seem to enjoy them…
    I’m already thrilled to start your next course.
    have a nice week!

  8. Glad to see that you are back — and with wonderful fibre work, despite your discomfort. Also glad to hear you are working on the Studio Journal class; I am looking forward to taking it after the early June CQ class…

    Best wishes for continued good health!

  9. Well…out of commission didn’t seem to stop you from creating! Nothing more cozy than a snuggly wrap…hand made. They look so warm! I have many of these made from a bag of wool & other fibres that was destined for garbage pick-up … a neighbour moving out had just placed it at the curb in a clear bag…and I just could not let all that yarn go to waste.

    Bamboo hooks and needles…never tried them myself…wondering how they feel compared to the old standard plastic or metal ones?

    Stitchin Fingers…..really is a fabulous creation…it’s so unique…like a list and blogs and facebook all rolled into one. Thanks for creating such a neat place…and am not at all surprised that it is growing rapidly…if everyone is as thrilled with it as I am!

    Hugs to you…Marie

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