CQMag Online is out

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CQMag Online is out

CQMag Online is now available so make a cuppa and settle back to browse and read. I am picking the eyes out of this issue but it contains a continuation of Barbara Blankenship’s Ideas and Inspiration Challenge. Don’t miss it as Barbara assembled great inspiration pieces for your crazy quilting.

Allison Aller creates three dimensional rose buds in ribbon. Pat Winter demonstrates how to make a beaded purse handle and Leslie Ehrlich shares her ideas for embroidering great trees. These are simply the highlights for me. There are loads more articles that are loaded with ideas, inspiration, tips and advice that will keep you happily reading for hours

One comment

  1. I stumbled on your blog because I was researching the Letter G
    if you go to my blog you will see a wonderful exposition of alsatian textile that I visited in the summer
    I also collect old (very old – just like me) samplers the oldest being 1532 (yes)


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