Sites worth bookmarking: MyPhotoStitch

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Sites worth bookmarking: MyPhotoStitch

MyPhotoStitch is a free online service which will take one of your photos and chart it ready for cross stitch.  I decided to test it using this photograph.

To use the program  choose one of your photos on your computer. Make sure your photograph is under  1 MG as this program has a size limit imposed. 

Then choose the size.

The program will produce charts that work up as 

  • 28 stitches x 28 stitches
  • 50 stitches x 40 stitches 
  • 98 stitches x 77 stitches 
  • 150 stitches x 119 stitches  

In my demonstration I chose 25 threads but in the drop down menu you have options of using between 5- 50 different threads. 

You can also choose to have the pattern as symbols only, coloured squares only or have what I chose both.   I tested this with one of my photos. 

Before I loaded my test photograph I cropped it more or less square because I noticed that the stitch dimensions I was interested in using (ie 150 x 119) were for images that are orientated to be a landscape.     I chose the largest size ie 150 stitches wide.

I then clicked submit. 

From this screen I could download the pattern. You can also share your pattern if you choose.

When you download the design it is delivered as a PDF file. This is what it looked like.

The diagram is nice and large and easily seen. For instance this photograph generated a file of 9 tiled pages that could be printed out, taped together and used. 

Thread colours are listed as DMC colours. 

MyPhotoStitch is a great piece of  software. You don’t have to download and install anything, PC’s and Macs can use it, its accessible from your browser and it’s free!  This is a site definitely worth bookmarking.

Also on the site is the MyPhotoStitch blog to keep up with news but it is also worth browsing to see how the software is being used.




  1. Hi Sharon,

    This is an amazing site. Thank you so much.I have never done any cross stitch except when I had learnt it as part of school SUPW but this site sure makes me feel like doing more. I can see how I can turn some of my family photos into cross stitch wonders πŸ™‚

    But before that I need some help from you. Aida here is not known by its count-its just large, small, very small, very thin kind of terms. Is there a way I can know what count aida is it? Do I just take a scale and measure? Maybe you could answer it in your blog so it helps everybody.

    Also, how do you keep track of the sites? There was a site where you had suggested the colour mapping between DMC and anchor threads. How do I search it in your site?

    Last, could you add my blog to your ‘C’ list when you publish. I am back from my trip and back to blogging .


  2. Thanks for the great review! I thought the screen shots and description of the steps made a really nice overview on how to use the site. The one thing that I would add would be that the advanced cross stitch pattern creator allows you to have much finer control over the patterns. I.e. you can put in any pattern size (up to 150×120), and any number of colors (up to 50). It’s also got a couple of options which enhance the photo to make more vibrant patterns, and to do dithering to make color gradients look smoother.

    I also replied and shared the pattern you made in my blog .

    Thanks again for the nice review πŸ™‚ .

  3. Hi Sharon,
    you are always there with new information everyday. This link you have given is amazing. i did bought some software long ago but it was fake. Now i got . Thank you is a very small word to express my graitude towards you.I Realy appreciate your wonderful contribution to the field of embroidery.


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