Yogile photo sharing ideal for fiber challenges

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Yogile photo sharing ideal for fiber challenges

Yogile is a new photo sharing site with a slightly different twist.  

There are many sites that let you share photos but Yogile  lets multiple people contribute to an album.

Simply put Yogile allows you to create joint albums. Once you have signed up you can create an album. If your album is public, you can send the link to your group and they’ll be able to upload photos. 

How is this useful for fiber folks? Throughout the online textile community people run challenges, round robbins, swaps and numerous community activities. These activities are popular and fun way of making contact with and sharing with other stitchers around the globe. Up until now anyone wanting to share photos of such activities has to join what ever photos sharing service the group wants to use such as Flickr for instance. Next they need to join the group within that service, then in order to share the photos, send the photos to the group. It can get complex particularly if someone is new to the net. 

I know loads of people have folders full of stuff to browse when inspiration is a bit thin on the ground. Imagine if in one click you could gather together all the TAST challenge photos to browse, or some of the eye candy from the crazy quilt groups. A feature I really like is that you can download all the contributed photos in a zip file. Obviously this feature is not for theft but it sure is a great way to collate together and archive stitchers eye candy.

Check Yogile out as a multi authored photo sharing service or the next time you have a community challenge 

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