Sites worth exploring: Kuler

Sites worth exploring: Kuler

I got totally side tracked this morning playing with colour.
Adobe has a free web based colour tool called Kuler.

screenshotYou can use it to create colour schemes, share them if you choose and store them if you want.

The other way to find colour schemes is from a photograph. You can upload an image as I did, or you can use flickr photos.

There is a community areas and you can browse the colour themes they have shared for inspiration. Kuler is well worth exploring as I think many readers will find it useful and fun.

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One comment

  1. And I've just found a work related use for it. I'm creating a database and there are formats for making reports and I realized the colors they suggest are plug ugly. So I'm going to choose a set of shades from Kuler and hopefully turn my spreadsheets into eye candy.

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