Introducing Block 55 on the I Dropped the Button Box Quilt

Introducing Block 55 on the I Dropped the Button Box Quilt

Crazy quilt block 55 on I dropped the buttonbox quiltBlock 55 is another block made up of strong colours and tones which means there is more drama compared to the pastel blocks on the quilt.  It forms part of the strong diagonal band of colour that runs across the quilt.

Over the next few weeks I will focus on each seam and embellishment and I hope the crazy quilters  out there will enjoy seeing each close up.

Fabric content:

  • Piece 1: Furnishing brocade
  • Piece 2: Velvet
  • Piece 3: Synthetic after 5 material
  • Piece 4: Cotton
  • Piece 5: Silk
  • Piece 6: Silk

Item Count: 

This quilt is a Y2K quilt which means I Dropped the Button Box contains 2001 unique pieces of fabric, lace, braids, charms, buttons or ribbons. All are different. It was a way of using a sample of all the bits I had been hoarding! The on going item count listed below represents the items  documented to date in the crazy quilt details articles.

  • Fabric: 6
  • Lace, braid and ribbon: 3
  • Buttons and charms: 10
  • Total items on this block: 19
  • Total tally of items on the quilt so far: 1064

Each block featured in this series has been introduced alongside an illustration of the block, and a free piecing pattern. A full listing can be found on the CQ details FAQ page


I have released the block patterns and stitch ideas for non commercial use. However, you must attribute the work to me, and link back to this blog.

You may not take whole articles from this series and reprint them online, as that is not in the spirit of sharing.



  1. Oh my gosh…that’s amazing! 2001 items on the quilt. That will be spectacular when it is finished. What a great way to use up items on hand, and create something beautiful in the process.


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