Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 436

This embellished seam is part of  block 65 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. I worked herringbone in a hand dyed cotton thread then added seed beads in the forks of the stitch stop. What is the story? This regular series aims to illustrate and document the hand …

For the Love of Stitching Sample 611

If you are enjoying this series of articles I regularly offer online classes. These are currently on offer. The Artists Studio Journal: A Designers Workhorse will start May 22nd 2013. Sumptuous Surface Embroidery will start on 12th June 2013. Follow the links for further details, requirements list and to book …

Work in Progress Wednesday Block 32 still going

My life is crazy busy at the moment and I must admit my energy levels are not as high I would like. But I did manage to find some time to work on my block and so I am sharing with you what I have done. As you can see …

Up and Down Feathered Buttonhole Stitch

Let’s make twiggy bits! Up and Down Feathered Buttonhole stitch is ideal to use for thorny stems in floral sprays. This is a stitch I often use and I think most embroiderers and crazy quilters will particularly enjoy, as it makes marvellous twiggy bits — particularly if you treat them …

Work in Progress Wednesday Block 32 started

I have nothing much to report this week except I have started block 32 in this quilt. I have only started one seam however and that is a row of buttonholed herringbone! So that is my report this week! All the lace on it is vintage lace I was given …

Diamond Stitch

I discovered Diamond stitch in Marion Nichols’ Encyclopedia of Embroidery Stitches. Even though Diamond Stitch is normally worked between to parallel rows it can be stacked or worked free form. As a stitch, it is versatile enough to produce some interesting effects, as the pattern it creates as you work …