TAST Week 5

Take a Stitch Tuesday Week 5 Basic TAST This week I am introducing Detached Chain stitch. Many people know detached chain as Lazy Daisy stitch because stitchers have long enjoyed using this stitch to create the petals of little flower motifs. Detached chain is a fun stitch that is quick and …

TAST Week 4

 Chain stitch. This is a tremendously useful stitch that is quick and easy to do. Chain stitch is a foundation stitch for a whole family of looped stitches. The trick with all the chain stitches is not to pull the stitch too tight, as a tight tension will pull the loop …

TAST Week 3

Take a Stitch Tuesday Week 3 Basic TAST This week I am suggesting you learn and experiment with Stem Stitch. Stem Stitch is a basic quick and easy linear stitch, which I, personally, think is one of the most useful stitches there are. You can use this stitch to outline just …

TAST Week 1

Happy New Year! And welcome everyone, to Take a Stitch Tuesday, or TAST week 1. I hope you are all energised and up for this year’s challenge. I know I am looking forward to seeing what everyone does this year, particularly with the design challenge. Before we start I would …

Briggs & Co.’s transfers available as free pdf

While poking around the Internet Library I struck gold and found Briggs & Co.’s patent transferring papers which is out of copyright. For anyone interested in vintage hand embroidery designs or if you do crazy quilting and want to add some motifs to your patches it’s a real gem. I …

Double Wheatear Stitch

Double Wheatear stitch is a versatile easy variety of Wheatear stitch and you can use it in organic motifs. You can vary the length of the diagonal straight stitches. Double Wheatear is great for beading and you can use many types of embroidery thread for variety. You can combine Double …