Freeform Hand Embroidery Sampler detail 680 and 681

Freeform Hand Embroidery Sampler detail 680 and 681

Sampler section 50
Today I have a detail from  section 50 on my Love of Stitching Band Sampler

Click on the thumbnail for an article  about this section of the embroidery.

freeform stitchery sampler 680

Stitches Used

This is a sample of chained cross  stitch. It was stitch number 79 of the TAST stitches. I worked it on hand painted Aida cloth using a hand dyed crochet thread that is the same thickness as perle cotton #5.

Here is a closer detail. It is very simple stitch to work and fills an area well.

freeform needlework sampler detail

The next detail is a version of triple chain. Writing this up has reminded me that I have not added this version of chain stitch to TAST. It is not as complex as it looks and makes a great border, crazy quilt seam embellishment or if you work row upon row a filler.

freeform needlework sampler 681


This section of the sampler was worked between March and May 2010.


This area is a section in my  Love of Stitching Band Sampler which is 15 cm (6 inches) wide and currently measures 96 feet 5 inches (2,938.78 centimetres), or  32.138 yards which is 29.3878 meters. It is still growing…

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Sampler FAQ
If you want to know more about this piece visit the Sampler FAQ page or you can work back through the series of articles by reading them in the the Love of Stitching Band Sampler category.

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