News I have signed with C&T Publishers

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News I have signed with C&T Publishers

Hussif-doily-450I am walking around with a big silly grin on my face as I have signed a book contract with C&T Publishers for my book on Crazy Quilting. After much dithering around, as I was thinking of self publishing, I decided the traditional route and the help of an editor was the way to produce the best book for my readers. Basically I think I will write a better book if I work with a good publisher.  C&T Publishers know textile type people as they specialise in quilting and creative fiber related books and tools. They  publish authors such as Judith Baker Montano, Allie Aller, Valerie Bothell, Jennifer Clouston  and Christen Brown so I feel like I am in good company.

So I am feeling energised, I am sure I will learn heaps and  I think the process will be work but most important it will be fun! This also keeps me on track as

What will be happening on Pintangle?

I am not allowed to share bits of the book as I write it. I will be still running Take a Stitch Tuesday because that is too inspirational and fun not to do. I will also continue adding to the stitch tutorials on this site. Patterns from and posts about the button box quilt and my sampler will continue. To be honest I am not sure at what rate. I will do them as I can manage them.

While I write a book I find blogging more than a few days a week difficult. If things are a bit quite at times please be understanding.  The way I view it is, in the long run, in a decade I will be proud of the book I am working on today, but I will have forgotten the number of emails  I answered today, or the blog post I wrote, or the facebook group admin. What is more of an indicator the people I write to, or tend to in the facebook group etc, will have long forgotten too! In fact I think they will have forgotten within months! These tasks will still of course go on (since I am sitting here writing a blog post!) but both the email and the browser will be closed more often as I try to limit distractions while I work.

Ways to stay in contact

  • You can now sign up for blog updates using the subscribe button in the sidebar
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  1. Congratulations oon your book Now I can buy the book and catch up with the stitches I never seem to have the thread & needle in the same place as the computer

    Marietza Jones
  2. Big congrats on your news Sharon, you so deserve to feel proud of yourself, so grin away my dear First of many I suspect, can already see them on my bookshelf, with your name on the spines!

  3. I am in no doubt that this book will be an extremely popular and essential companion to so many people and may I say you are one of the rare people who focus on their goal and follow through with great confidence and expertise!!
    Well deserved congratulations, Sharon:-)
    Barbara M(Wales)

    Barbara M
  4. Congratulations Sharon on the book becoming closer to the selling point and your many, many, happy followers.

    For years you have been extraordinarily involved keeping us busy with various lessons, but it’s right for you to drop them, at least (grin) until the book is done. Just too many distractions otherwise.

  5. What great news! I’m jumping up and down for you. You have earned this and we all thank you so much for your generous sharing. Your work is unique, lovely, and inspiring. To have your book in hand will be a permanent treasure. Grinning in Texas :o)

  6. In reading all the comments I see only congratulations on your achievement and delight in your forthcoming book. Like everyone else I will be waiting in anticipation for the release of your book and look forward to buying it.
    Take time to savour the journey and we will all be cheering you on to the finish line so if you happen on a slow patch think of us all with our own silly grins in place as we shout “go Sharon”!

  7. What wonderful news and how exciting for you! I know your book will be wonderful because you were so thorough with the class material. I loved the class! Take your time and enjoy the process.

    Karen Hancock
  8. Congrats, Sharon! I’ll get the book as soon as it is available and Pintangle will always be kind of home for me as a stitcher. Whenever I meet someone who is interested in embroidery or creative stitching the first question is: do you know Sharon Boggon from Australia? The best luck for you!

    Brigitte Otto
      1. Well, maybe my English isn’t that good anymore. What I meant was I’m trying to make some “advertising” for you and your wonderful work whenever I meet someone with similar interests. So of course I know you are you :-))

        Brigitte Otto
  9. congratulations! C&T is a great book making company – and a good one to work with from the buyer’s side, too (I’m a former quilt shop owner).

    It will be worth the wait, I am positive! I look forward to holding a copy of your book in my hands.

    🙂 Linda

  10. Congratulations Sharon!! I own many books published by C&T and they do a terrific job. You are indeed in great (and well-deserved) company. Looking forward to purchasing your book as soon as it’s available.

  11. Congratulations, my friend, I think you are doing the right thing by going with C&T. Your knowledge and their guidance will make this book a sure-fire success. And a CQ classic, I’m sure! I miss our chats, but know I’m sending you hugs and good vibes from here!!

  12. Congratulations on your book. I’m so excited about this happening. Will look forward to getting my hands on a copy.

    Thanks for sharing your talents in so many ways.

  13. coucou

    félécitation , si ce livre pourrait être traduit en français ce serait un vrai bonheur pour moi, pensez-y !
    je travaille toujours sur la courtepointe folle et j’espère que vous n’arréterez pas sa diffusion
    bonne écriture

  14. Congratulations on your book. I will buy a copy when it is published. By the way, I feel very important when you “like” or comment on my stitching or quilt blocks on TAST.

    Barbara Graham
  15. Sharon, wonderful news! How exciting for you. I am looking forward to seeing your book, what a treat it will be, definitely on my shopping list. Thank you for answering my email about design on the weekend.

    Jude Ebsworth
  16. I am looking forward to your book with great anticipation. The materials you shared in class were so wonderful and extensive I can only imagine what the book will be. In any case, I know it will be a wonderful guide and resource, offering your expertise and encouraging my growth. Thank you for all you do and have done. It has made a great difference in my stitching journey.

  17. I am so very happy for you! You deserve every good thing as you are a generous soul. Don’t worry about the blogging, etc. we all understand, and eagerly await your first publication! Big cheesy grins from New Jersey, USA ! YOU ROCK, SHARON! Marianne

    Marianne Squire Maszer
  18. Bravo for you Sharon. I can’t wait for your book. I unfortunately discovered your blog after you stopped online teaching, so I haven’t had the opportunity to take a class with you. I think a book will be a great way for all of us to hev you teach us. Good Luck!!! I think it’s a great decision.

    Sarah Aldrich
  19. Congratulations Sharon. I have worked with others writing text books for high school students and working with a good editor can make all the difference.

    Carolyn Foley
  20. Your audience will be here what and whenever Sharon. You can’t be all things to all people and the book has to come first. I am really delighted that you’ve been able to announce this great news – and you know I wish you every success – and I’m waving and cheering you on from the sidelines!x

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