Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery: Visual Guide to 120 Essential Stitches for Stunning Designs is my latest book.
For many years visitors to this site who use the stitch dictionary have wanted me to write a book. Well… I am pleased to say I have finally done it. It has been a great pleasure to write it and I hope you enjoy it. The book is aimed at both beginners and experienced embroiderers. I wanted this book to be a little different from books that are stitch collections as I wanted to emphasise that it is perfectly OK to explore varieties and make adaptions in your embroidery. In fact that is a way to develop a personal style.
A section of the book explores how you can create your own variations and patterns with the stitches. I break the stitches down to their component parts. Then, I draw attention to points in the process of construction where a stitch may be changed and adapted. I call these ‘play points’. This of course is with the aim of create interesting effects and patterns in your embroidery. So although the book has directions for 120 stitch there are numerous improvisations to be explored. I hope people find this both useful and inspirational.
The contents page has visual index. Embroiderers are visual people and often we are in the situation where we remember the look of a stitch but not the name. With this type of index you can cast your eye over the photos in order to find the stitch. I think this will be very useful. Of course there is an index at the back of the book too!
There are 120 stitches in the book each with step by step photos for both right and left handed stitchers. This is not a project book but a reference book. For those readers who were hoping that all the stitches in the Pintangle Stitch dictionary are in the book I am sorry to say I have too many stitches to fit in one book. When we realised that I had to make a selection of stitches I decided I wanted to make it an interesting selection! So I added some new stitches – in other words there are some stitches that are not in the pintangle stitch dictionary. For those seasoned embroiderers you may spot the odd stitch that is new to you.
So to summerise Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery includes 120 stitches, that are illustrated with step-by-step photos for both left and right hand embroiderers. It is a modern twist on surface embroidery stitches that is aimed at both the beginner or a seasoned embroiderer. The book is profusely illustrated with loads of samples to inspire and give you fresh ideas. I illustrate how tiny tweaks to each stitch can produce adaptions and variations. I hope this book with take you on a creative journey that leads your needlework to unexpected joyful places.
Where can you obtain it? Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery: Visual Guide to 120 Essential Stitches for Stunning Designs is not self published. C&T (my publishers) are a huge publishing house that distributes world wide. You can get it from online book sellers like Booktopia (in Australia) Bookdepository, Amazon and physical places such as bookstores, quilt and needlework shops. You can follow this link buy my book Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery: Visual Guide to 120 Essential Stitches for Stunning Designs from Amazon. (This is an affiliated link and of course I will make a commission on it. )
Hi Sharon,
I got my book a couple weeks ago, and I’m still looking through it. There are
some new to me stitches I want to try out. Thanks for publishing this book,
it helps a lot when you know the stitch, but can’t remember the name of it.
Have a great day!
Thanks Sherrie I tried to have SOME stitches in there that you don’t find in all the stitch books – so hopefully most experienced embroiderers with have a little surprise and yest it be really useful for beginners too. Nice to have your comments about it
Hi Sarah – it’s out as I have had messages/email from people who have it in their hands. I think different places have different shipping dates. Thanks for pre-ordering.
What a wonderful Christmas gift this would be! Thank you for the opportunity of perhaps winning it.
I really love your other book and would love to win this one! Fingers crossed
I’m going to go for a print copy.
Digital is all good – but there’s no substitute for an actual book that sits on your work surface and doesn’t time out.
I love the look of the layout too.
Well done.
Anne this is for the actual book – ie print
Silly me. Well that’s awesome.
Heading over to Amazon now.
It looks a beautiful book with lots of hours of dedicated embroidery done to produce it. Thank you .
A terrific book packed with amazing effects and patterns which will assist me in creating some very new and exciting.
A book to peruse and lose yourself in for hours. Just what dreams are made of.
Looks like a beautiful, must have book. I really like the idea that “it is perfectly OK to explore the varieties of stitches and make your own adaptions in your embroidery. In fact that is a way to develop a personal style.” This is so true and something that I love to do. Can’t wait to see the book. Hope I win it! Keep up the great work.
There is nothing like a beautiful book of stitching in hand that you can open over and over .
I love the variety and colorful pictures and instruction in my Crazy Quilting design book
I look forward to your posts thank you !
I would love to win your beautiful book.
Looks brilliant, on my Amazon wish list! Congratulations and good luck!
Would love to receive a free copy to put in my embroidery group library, as I have ordered one for myself and my friends are all going to want one too when they see mine !!!
OMG.I would love to add your new book to my Pintangle collection. So many of the things I’ve learned from your blog enhanced my stitching. Thanx for the opportunity -Sally
I love your observation that we remember the stitch but not the stitch name! This will be a great reference book!
Thank you! Ordered!
I am so looking forward to receiving my copy. I pre-ordered the first week in September. I know it’s going to be great. Thank you for putting together all of your wonderful stitch variations.
Thanks Sharon, I have put my copy on order and hope to get it before Christmas. Look forward to book 2 and hope you make lots and lots and lots of commission.
Best wishes
Congrats! It must feel so good to have another book published!
yes – it is a thrill
Congratulations! It’s at the top of my XMas list, along with chocolate.
Congratulations. I am looking forward to buy this book very soon.
darn, already out of stock!
Congratulation Sharon. A great book. Just received the Kindle version. Reminded me very much of your classes at Joggles. And yes I will also be ordering the Hard Copy – definitely worth having both versions.
Jacqui great to hear you like it – I guess stitching philosophy seeps through both the classes and the book
Amazon says they’re out of stock already! Looks like I have to wait to add this to my shelf, but it most certainly will be added! I love your stitch guides.
Gosh I just checked and you are right! Hope they get it back in stock soon!
I have ordered it from This organisation gives a percentage to local book stores . I’d rather support small businesses than Amazon!
I just ordered this book from Amazon. It won’t be delivered until mid-December. Love your ideas and thanks for sharing your gift of stitches. Judie
Mine is being delivered tomorrow!11 Can’t wait to see it as I’m one of the ones for the stitch dictionary. Of course, you can have a sequel. :))))
Hi Kim hope it lives up to your expectations and brings you many hours of stitching pleasure
I got the Kindle version as well do I can always have it will me. But will also be getting hard copy. So much information!! And the old eyes aren’t as good as they used to be. Wonderful book Sharon!
thanks Odarka pleased you like it!
You can put the other stitches in volume 2! I just ordered my copy. Can’t wait for it to arrive!
There probably will be a volume 2 I want to see how this one goes – I think you will enjoy it thanks for ordering
I pre-ordered it. Can’t wait to receive my copy
Thanks it should arrive soon
hi Sharon,
I’m delighted to hear that the copies are being released this week. I’ve had it on pre-order for a while. I do hope you will continue publishing. I’d particularly like to see an art book of your own embroidery. All we get to see are tantalizing samples in TAST or on your blog.
Jess that is an interesting suggestion – not sure many people would want a book on my textile stuff – but perhaps I might share more on Pintangle.
That would be very welcome
to me, that is what you are most brilliant at.
Would love to get this book from you. I will still have to have it but thanks for the chance to win. Cheers.