Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery

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Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery

If you enjoy my site you will gain real value from my book  Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery: Visual Guide to 120 Essential Stitches for Stunning Designs

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned embroiderer, Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery gives you techniques to encourage and develop a fresh and creative embroidery style. Discover play points in your embroidery. Explore variations in height and width, stacking stitches, or using repetitions of the same stitch to create areas of texture and shape. All these techniques and more will give you creative variations. I have included numerous demonstrations of small tweaks that create big effects. To send you down your own creative path, the book is richly illustrated with plenty of eye candy.

Where can you obtain it? Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery is not self published. C&T (my publishers) are a huge publishing house that distributes world wide.   You can get it from online book sellers like Booktopia (in Australia) Bookdepository, Amazon and physical places such as bookstores, quilt and needlework shops.


  1. I am working on a landscape type wall hanging using silk ribbon flowers, many French knots, needle woven picot, and any new stitches I can find, including any 3D stitches. I bought your book of stitches and I love it – just to see what is possible with buttonhole, chain, bullion, and other lovely stitches, is inspiring. Your idea on using mesh is an interesting one. I’ve had the book since it was released and it is already well worn. Thank you!

    Cassandra McGill
  2. Just ordered and received my copy from Book Depository. It’s beautiful! I’d been diligently compiling a folder of the stitches on TAST as I tried them out – it will be wonderful to have all your explanations and examples in book form.

  3. Hi Sharon, it is not like I need jet another stitch dictionary, my shelves are full of them and there is the internet, especially your wonderful site. But I still ordered the book as soon as amazon was shipping it in my country and have it in front of me now. I follow your work since you published your first website in the 90ies and your fresh style and gernerous sharing of techniques was not the least reson why i took up embroidery as a long time hobby. So I absolutely wanted you to get money out of your book projects and ordered it out of sheer loyalty. And you know what? i already saw stuff that is new to me when just leafing through it. Thank you so much Sharon, for this book and simply for being you!

  4. C’est formidable, mais à quand la sortie du livre en Français ?
    En parlez-vous à votre éditeur ?
    C’est dommage pour nous de ne pas pouvoir profiter de ces beautés ….

  5. bonjour,
    je vous suis de puis très longtemps sur le net et avec la traduction super facile de vous lire , mais un livre en anglais pas trop !

    A quand la traduction en français, qu’on puisse en profiter aussi.

    merci pour tout ce que vous faite j’ai beaucoup progressé grâce à vous .

  6. I have too….it told me the same date….never mind…I have so much to do at home before Christmas, it’s probably a Blessing the book won’t arrive BEFORE Christmas…..otherwise it will be “abandon the Christmas Ship” and “all aboard the lazy lounger around the pool with the new Embroidery Bible”…. dx Brisbane

    Donna Gallagher
  7. I’m looking forward to getting a copy but unfortunately won’t be in time for Christmas! I love your creativity with the stitches on the site and it will be so good to have the book for reference

    Jo Morton
  8. This beautiful embroidery tome arrived in my (very rural Canada) mailbox today at noon hour !!!! Christmas came early. YES I opened it. Thank you for another beautifully presented, practical while O! so inspiring, working guide to amazing stitching. I will be engrossed in hours and hours of joy filled thread & needle work with your book. Sending a huge cyber hug with thanks

    Becky Monk
  9. Hi Sharon,
    I just got your second book about a week ago. Thank you for all your expertise. Been following your blog for some time now and have taken an interest in crazy quilting and find your instructions and ideas to be interesting and a source of inspiration. The templates are quite helpful in keeping my stitching straight and are easy to use. Am enjoying the process more and more as I go along.

  10. I have ordered 2 copies from my favorite textile supplier, one for me and one for a friend who is also an avid stitcher. I cannot wait to receive my order.

    Thank you for your great tutorials on the website. I cannot wait to begin TAST 2021, I am already planning my stitch book and since I have done stitch work for more than 50 years will probably do both the beginner and advanced program. I love hand-stitch and have an incredible collection of thread and beads that are just begging to be used in a new project.

    Suzi Stone

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