New blog Artistinspirations

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Artistinspirations is a young textile blog kept by Robbin Neff who is interested in quilting, art quilts and visual journals. She documents her creative practice, techniques and thoughts. The other day she posted an image of a working visual journal which many quilters and crazy quilters will find interesting.

Mary has a blog

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I am sitting here with an absolutely stupid grin on my face. Mary on Norfolk Island a lady well known on the Aussie crazy quilting discussion list has started a blog Devon House Recollections . Mary is another crazy quilter who is lovely lady, does great work and I am …

Life span of CDs

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Many people are storing and archiving images of their work on CD. Not only family happy snaps from digital cameras but textile artists are archiving images of their work using this format. Many people are unaware of the problem, I didn’t realise that some CDs only have a life span …

Art Biz Blog

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Art Biz Blog explores the impact blogs are having on art and how artists can use the genre as a means to promote their work. The author Alyson Stanfield is an art marketing consultant.

Mary-Frances has moved

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I meant to draw attention to the fact that Mary-Frances Main has moved her blog Frequently Wrong, But Never in Doubt , so if you are looking for her she is now found here . Right I am off to get some work done.

Kats Crafts

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There is a new blogger on the block. Katrina is a New Zealander who is living in Japan. She has recently started Kat’s Crafts to document her creative interests in quilting, machine embroidery and knitting. Her next challenge is crazy quilting so swing by and wish her a welcome to …

Sunday morning reading

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It’s raining this morning which means no gardening today. So I have spent a pleasurable couple of hours catching up on blog reading. It seems an age since I just sat and browsed, caught up on the news and generally had a relaxing time online. Via Dawn I discovered the …