Freeform Hand Embroidery Sampler detail 691

Freeform Hand Embroidery Sampler detail 691

Sampler section 50This detail is part of my my freeform hand embroidery sampler that I call the Love of Stitching Band Sampler. It  is 15 cm (6 inches) wide and currently measures 96 feet 5 inches or 29.3878 meters long. It is still growing…  This is area is on  section 50. For more details about this piece visit the Sampler FAQ page.

This detail is made up of pulled cross stitches and fargo silk ribbon roses. If you want to know how to work them I have a tutorial on how to stitch a silk ribbon fargo rose here

freeform needlework sampler

Sampler FAQ
If you want to know more about this piece visit the Sampler FAQ page or you can work back through the series of articles by reading them in the the Love of Stitching Band Sampler category.

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  1. Well that saves me asking the question. I always thought it was “Fargo” as in the town in ND but your use of “farago” had me quite confused. Now we both know, lol.

    1. Yes I know but it is what it is called here – I must correct it. I was contacted by the lady who invented it in Judiths Class and she told me it was Fargo too


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