Introducing sections 15, 17 and 24!

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Introducing sections 15, 17 and 24!

section of sampler using ring pulls

Band 200 was the end of section 13 so it is time to introduce the next.

From here on I am afraid my band sampler documentation gets a little complicated. I have decided to keep  section 14 private, as this sampler was used to demonstrate some points in my online classes and I dont publish free on this blog what people have paid for. It is unfair to my online students.

Section 15 was worked in 2006 as a small sampler that includes ring pulls from the top of drink cans. It was worked on a nylon curtain net as I wanted to use as much recycled items as possible.

section of sampler using beads

crazy quilting stitches samplerSections 16-22  I will also keep private as these 6 pieces also demonstrate points I make in my online classes.

As you may guess there is a good few number of stitches sampled in these sections!

Section 23 (the beaded section above) I will however reveal. It is a sample worked in 2006  for the Develop a Personal Library of stitches class. When ever I show this piece in life people love it and want to touch it.

I worked it on linen in a mix of threads and beads

Section 24 (the long piece to the left)  is piece I finished in 2007. As you can see it has bands of stitches set on an angle as you would in a crazy quilt.

This sampler was something I had started a couple of years previous and in order for it not to become a UFO I completed it and added it to the strip. In doing so it set me off on another tangent which I will reveal when I introduce section 25.

This is worked on dress linen and many of the threads and ribbons on it are hand dyed by me.

As you can see it features a mix of techniques including silk ribbon embroidery. I also signed it – so that the sampler would be signed because  at the time I was rabbiting on to a friend about how many anonymous women have stitched down the ages when I realised I did not often sign my own work!

Monday will see us at band 307  and a return to my regular band by band documentation.

Yes, that is right I will jump from band 200 to 307. It is nearly a third of what I have shown you so far but as I say my what I teach in my online classes and what I write on my blog is different material. For this reason I have to keep some of the samples private.


The For Love of Stitching Band Sampler is 15 cm (6 inches) wide. It consists of different strips of fabric which are are stitched together to form one long strip. It currently measures 24.8 yards or 22.75 metres long and I have more bands to add.

Sampler FAQ
For the full back story on this piece visit the Sampler FAQ page.

All posts in the series are in the category  the Love of Stitching Band Sampler.


  1. So incredible! Love your originality! I am hoping that one day soon that I will stop collecting examples of what I Know I could be creating! Thank you so much for sharing your love!


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