Katrina Hurricane survivor fundraiser quilts

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Katrina Hurricane survivor fundraiser quilts

I have been fidgeting about like a kid who has had too much red cordial compulsively checking Ebay constantly and trying not to log in again 10 minutes later to see if things have changed. In case people missed the news early in the week the quilts that are to be auctioned to help survivors of the Katrina Hurricane are now on Ebay.

The large quilt is All that Jazz no 1

If for some reason the link does not work try

All that Jazz no 2

If for some reason the link does not work try

All that Jazz no 3.

If for some reason the link does not work try

All the money raised goes to Baton Rouge Area Foundation / FoundationsForRecovery.org which was set up to help people displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Disasters like this take along time for people to recover from and communities need help long after the event. Usually there is a flush of funds in the initial stages of any crisis but it’s the long haul that is difficult.

As many readers know I live in the area that was effected by the firestorm that hit Canberra in January 2003. As things stand today I would say 80 percent has been rebuilt. My point is that years later things like public play grounds and community resources are still being replaced let alone homes lost. For instance, the local church which was around the corner from where I live, is still a vacant block as there are not the funds to rebuild yet. The damage that was done by the fires is small compared to the disaster that Katrina caused. So there is still a very real need to help.

There is a Gallery online which displays each block in all its glory. In the gallery you can click on the individual blocks in the quilt and it will take you to a close up. On the page is an image and a statement from each artist who participated and links to their home pages.

This gallery will remain online long after the quilts are sold. As Linda Barraclough pointed out the other day will act as a snap shot of contemporary crazy quilting. Very few contemporary quilts have been documented in quite this way let alone quilts for charity.

Once again I would like to thank all those people who donated a block and those that gave their time. Without people generously donating the time and skill it takes to produce top notch handwork on their blocks the quilts themselves would not have been of such a high standard. I would have not been able to pull off this project without the help of Annie Whitsed of Annies Crazy World who assembled the quilts with the help of Canberra Crazy Quilters. An absolutely huge thanks goes out to Willa Fuller of In the Willawags who is acting as our point of contact in America.


  1. Sharon, I know what you mean about compulsively checking the auctions – but don’t forget that many people wait until the very last minute to bid. In fact, the last few minutes of an EBAY auction can be pretty wild!

    I hope the quilts earn lots of money for the Katrina charity. They are all so beautiful.

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