Category: <span>Stitchers Worksheets and Tutorials</span>

Stitchers Worksheets and Tutorials

Stitcher’s Worksheets

The stitcher’s worksheets are downloadable printable template pages which are designed to build into a hand embroiderer’s resource file. The worksheets are part stitch dictionary, part inspiration, part storage format, part stimulus to explore new stitches, part lesson and part organisation method.

The worksheets are named by stitch and by stitch family so people can file by either. The choice is yours.

A small picture of each stitch is in the top right-hand corner of each worksheet.

How many times can you remember what a stitch looks like but have forgotten the name? These little icons aim to solve that problem as you can flick through the pictures in the top right-hand corner and recognise the stitch you are looking for.

Each stitch has illustrated directions on how to work the stitch.

On the same page is space for you to attach a sample, add notes, and a record of fabric, thread, and needle used.


The tutorials provide detailed instructions and how-to’s containing practical advice on various aspects of stitching, hand embroidery and fabric manipulation. Learn how to use your orts — those little bits of thread left over from stitching, or how to piece your quilt — that sort of thing.

All prices are in US dollars.

Please note: This is a PDF product delivered as a digital download — you will receive a link with your receipt.

The stitchers’ worksheets are printable filing pages which I have designed to build into a hand embroiderer’s resource file. The worksheets are equal parts:

  • stitch dictionary, 
  • inspiration,
  • storage format, and
  • stimulus to explore new stitches,

In short, they are both lesson and organisation method.

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