Work in Progress block 37 started

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I have started block 37. To be honest this block has been sitting with one seam started since I released my stencils. In fact I used it for a photo to demonstrate how to use them. You can see it here  This is how the block started out. This is …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 449

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This seam is to be found on block 67 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. This was the easiest seam I think of the whole quilt. I simply secured some hand dyed lace with detached chain stitches! I didn’t even bead it which is unusual. I wonder if …

Work in Progress block 36 done!

It seems to have taken an age but I can finally give you a work in progress report to say that block 36 is done! Since releasing my CQ stencils  I have not had a lot of time to stitch. I am not complaining but his block has taken an age …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 448

This seam is to be found on block 67 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. I embroidered a small spray of flowers using detached chain stitch, French knots and stem stitch. I also used buttons to decorate the area too. What is the story? This regular series illustrates …

Introducing Block 67 in the I dropped the button Box Quilt

Today I will introduce Block 67 which is a muted colour scheme but I quite like it. Click on the image and it will take you to a larger size block. Over the next few weeks I will share close details of the embroidery I did on the seams and …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 447

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This is an embellished area on block 66 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. This scatter of buttons, charms, sequins and beads tumble into an area covered in lace. The pattern on the lace was picked out in embroidery using perle #12 thread. I used stem stitch and …

Work in Progress Wednesday Block 36 still going!

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Since releasing my CQ stencils my life has gone from being managed nicely, to simply crazy. I was juggling running two online classes and processing orders for my CQ Stencils which are selling wonderfully well. I am not complaining but I have not had a lot of time to stitch! There …